
Happy March 1573rd, 2020 Everyone

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Perhaps the most beloved of the comedies that the late, great Harold Ramis wrote and/or directed was the was the 1993 (yes, it's been that long) classic, "Groundhog Day," starring Bill Murray. In the movie, Murray's character gets trapped in a time loop and is forced to live the same day over and over. 

Which is often how I've felt since I first heard of coronavirus in early 2020. 


I remember talking with friends and colleagues at the end of 2021, when we were all in agreement that it still felt as if we were stuck in 2020. A lot of that had to do with the fact that all of the tyrants who were spawned during the pandemic were still in power and desperate to keep the panic going and the populace miserable. 

For me (and most people), the official start of the pandemic was March 12, 2020. That's the day college sports and graduations got cancelled. My daughter was a college senior and an athlete, so it sticks out in my mind. I developed a habit of counting from that date and making it one long month of March. 

Like many, I packed on several pounds during the pandemic. Unlike many, my day-to-day life didn't change at all back then — writers essentially live in lockdown, we just call it "working conditions." There was no valid excuse for me to end up looking like I was trying to identify as a third-trimester pregnant woman. 

I had been telling people that I needed to get around to taking off the "COVID weight." A few months ago, I said to a good friend, "OK, that was four years ago, I should just start calling it 'fat,' shouldn't I?" Thus began my latest fitness journey, which is going well, thank you.

My minor epiphany set me to pondering why I feel that 2020 was just last week. 

It's because the worst of the stink from that year is still plaguing us. That stink has a name — two, actually: Joe and Jill Biden. 

Absent the pandemic, Joe Biden would be on a beach in Delaware, talking to his imaginary friends and telling sunbathers that he was born on a plantation and fought in the American Civil War. Despite their blind hatred of Donald Trump, no Democrat was going to beat him and his roaring economy until the worst Chinese import in history landed on our shores. 

The pandemic provided an opportunity and Jill Biden took it. 

Her husband still isn't sure where he is.

Almost everything that bothers hard-working, freedom-loving Americans these days is a result of the Biden puppet presidency. I say "almost" because it's summertime and people may be bothered by heat rashes, too. 

There are a lot of people of all political persuasions who lament the fact that Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the presidential candidates once again. I'm with them on Biden, of course, but I'm glad that Trump is in again. There are times when I'm convinced that Trump is the only Republican who wants to win the presidency. So many candidates of promise have wilted on the national stage over the years. The spotlight seems to give Trump superpowers, though. 

Related: The Morning Briefing: Donald Trump Is the Republican Who Actually Wants to Win

The only way the Republic can shake off the COVID hangover is to depose Biden, or any Democrat who replaces him, should he leave the race. 

The teetotaling Donald Trump is in a good position to be the hangover cure, but the time between now and the election feels like it should be measured in light years and not months. 

If the Democrats stay in control of the Executive Branch, get ready for an unfixable Groundhog Day loop. 

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