
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 229: RedState's Bonchie Makes His Kabana Debut!

Townhall Media

(Reminder: New episodes are on the podcast page, but I’ll still do promos here.)

I'm excited about this episode because I've wanted to have my RedState colleague Bonchie on for a long time. He's one of my favorite writers there, and the timing for his first appearance on the podcast couldn't be better. We had a lot of fun discussing whatever it was we saw last Thursday night. 


We didn't dwell on the debate too much, however. We delved into what the Dems might do moving forward and then examined the present state of the Trump campaign. 

Yes, we played the Veepstakes game too.

Again, it was a great conversation, and I can't wait to have Bonchie back soon. 


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