Dems Can't Win on Economy or Immigration, So They're All-In on Killing Babies

AP Photo/Abbie Parr

It's understandable that the majority of the media noise from all sources this week is about the Democrats' attempt to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot via the perversion of justice. After all, conservatives are rightfully outraged at the blatant election interference and Democrats have a lot of their hopes for November riding on it. 


That sham jurisprudence spectacle is only one half of the Dems' two-pronged strategy for 2024. The other is their ghoulish glee for abortion. 

Back in the Clinton 1990s, Democrats said that they supported abortion but wanted it to be "safe, legal, and rare." If any Dem candidate dared say that today, he or she would be called a reactionary and idiots in "The Handmaid's Tale" costumes would show up in protest. 

I wrote in Wednesday's Morning Briefing that I suspect that the Democrats know that Trump won't really be weakened by a likely conviction in the thoroughly corrupt show trial in Manhattan. It could turn into the mother of all pyrrhic victories for them. 

If the lawfare assault on Trump doesn't yield the results that they want, the abortion ghouls will be moved to the front pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post and left there until the election. 

The Opinion section of Wednesday's New York Times featured this disgusting headline: "In Florida, Democrats Hope Abortion Will Revive Their Fortunes." The piece is a perfect snapshot of just how far removed 2024 Dems are from "safe, legal, and rare."

The New York Times

A few yards away, in the windowless conference room of an aging Hyatt hotel, a group of Florida Democrats was far more sober. The state may be known for careless hedonism and family pleasures, but Democrats will be spending the summer working on a very serious and nearly desperate plan to rescue the Florida Democratic Party.

Nikki Fried, the last Democrat elected to statewide office in Florida — over half a decade ago, as agriculture commissioner — dug her heels into the carpeted floor. “It’s going to be women that are going to get us out of this,” Ms. Fried, now Florida’s Democratic Party chair, told a roomful of statehouse candidates, all of them women.


The gathering was hosted by the pro-abortion activist group Ruth's List. The author says that the mood was somber, but the first picture in the article shows Ruth's List chief executive Christina Diamond, Nikki Fried, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and a female Florida House candidate standing around and cackling. 

Isn't abortion a hoot, ladies?

Seriously, they were having a ball:

At times, the event took on the feel of a pep rally. “When abortion is on the ballot, we win,” Ruth’s List’s chief executive, Christina Diamond, told the crowd over a formal dinner that night, where Democrats raised money for candidates across the state.

On a national scale there's a pro-abortion super PAC trying to drag the Dems back into the majority in the House of Representatives. 

The Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON—The super PAC supporting Democrats’ effort to win back the House majority is launching a $100 million fund focused on abortion rights, the latest sign that the party is leaning heavily on the issue this fall to help counter concerns about the economy and immigration policy. 

In a memo to donors, the House Majority PAC outlined the Reproductive Freedom Accountability Fund, which it said will be spent in swing districts across the country for advertising and voter mobilization.

There you have it — the Democratic money people know that their candidates can't win on the most important issues, thanks to Joe Biden's dismal economy and national security crisis at the border. All they've got left is scaring voters with euphemism-laden lies about "reproductive rights" and "women's health." 


The Democrats' gleeful championing of abortion is, as far as I am concerned, the most disheartening sign that the Republic is in severe decline. True, there are many, but this is the one that makes me wonder if we can ever back the country up from the brink. 

Since 2022, there have been some on the Right who have suggested that the GOP soften its stance on abortion. The prevailing thought is that the Dobbs decision is what ruined the much-ballyhooed Republican Red Wave in the midterms. 

Related: Election 2024 Will Be an 'Abortion vs. Border' Battle That the GOP Needs to Learn How to Fight

I've never bought that line of reasoning and have written a lot about it. In fact, I think this is the issue on which conservative Republicans need to dig in and prevent the Uniparty from becoming a permanent reality. I know that many will say it already is, but it's not.

The notion that there are significant numbers of Republican women in flyover country who are inwardly cheering for Planned Parenthood seems preposterous to me. Republican candidates shouldn't abandon staunch pro-life values in order to chase an electoral demographic that may or may not exist. 

The battle for the future of the United States of America can't be won without lines being drawn in the sand. The Dems have drawn theirs. 

And it's really creepy. 

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