NY Times: Some Dems Are Getting 'Burned Out' by Their Unhinged Trump-Hating Drama

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Welcome, my friends, to the tantrum that never ends. At least, it often feels that way.

The frothing, screeching anti-Trump meltdown on the American Left has been tedious and tiresome to most of us since Election Night 2016. Miracle of miracles, it appears that some of the fit-pitchers might want to bring the drama level down a bit. 


The New York Times:

This year, anti-Trump voters are grappling with another powerful sentiment: exhaustion.

“Some folks are burned out on outrage,” said Rebecca Lee Funk, the Washington-based founder of the Outrage, a progressive activism group and a purveyor of resistance-era apparel. “People are tired. I think last election we were desperate to get Trump out of office, and folks were willing to rally around that singular call to action. And this election feels different.”

The poor dears. 

True story: the FedEx/Kinko's that my brother-in-law went to last Saturday had only one printer, and it was broken. That must be how the "Outrage" people who are out of outrage feel these days. Here's a variation of an often-used refrain that applies in so many situations, especially the entire leftist approach to Trump: When everything is an outrage, nothing is an outrage. 

Substitute "existential crisis" for "outrage," and you have my go-to response since 2016 to lefties who start emotionally falling all about the place when talking about Donald Trump. 

At the end of last November, I decided to begin a weekly column titled "Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week." There is never a shortage of material, but I have noticed a moribund, boilerplate quality to a lot of them, as if a not-quite-up-to-snuff AI housed in the bowels of the Democratic National Committee was spitting out templates for media good doggies. 


Relevant: Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week — SHOW ME ON THE GLOBE WHERE TRUMP TOUCHED YOU

Several different reasons for why some Democrats may be losing their lust for behaving like rabid animals when Orange Man Bad is the topic of conversation are offered in this Times article. A couple actually get close to the truth (or one of the truths), but Democrats do struggle in that department, so I've got a couple of theories I'll offer for the water cooler convo. 

The first is an explanation of whether the outrage fatigue is real — which I'm not really convinced of just yet. 

So much of the Dems' angst about Trump is based on lies and even the most gullible among them might be subconsciously realizing that they don't have the energy to keep barking at clouds. I believe that the Democrats began caterwauling about the demise of democracy a little too early in this cycle for peak effectiveness. 

There's a small chance that a few of them are seeing that it is the Democrats who are the real threat to free elections and the like. And I do mean a few.

One Democratic strategist echoed a longtime sentiment of mine regarding elections when she said, "People want to vote for something and not necessarily against something."

We all know that President LOLEightyonemillion is giving them precious little in the way of anything positive to get excited about. The Trump outrage fatigue may actually be Biden fatigue, but the hivemind dares not admit that. They like to say that they are dissatisfied with the choices in this election, but it's not as if any of them were ever going to vote Republican. 


Hate to tell you, little Dems, but it's your guy who's really got you worn out. 

Now I'm going to kick back and enjoy the fact that the weary founder of an organization called "Outrage" is named Funk.  

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