
Trump Is WAY Too Late to the 'Ronna McDaniel Is an Incompetent Idiot' Party

AP Photo/Chris O'Meara

It's not that I expect everyone to pay as much attention to politics as I do, it's just that one assumes that some things are well known by even casual observers. Like the fact that RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is really, really awful at her job.


It would appear that former President Donald Trump is only just now becoming aware of the fact that Mitt Romney's niece has been an absolute trainwreck while running the national party. Perhaps he's been too busy meeting with lawyers to be aware that all McDaniel does is preside over miserable election cycles for the GOP. To date, one of her few "successes" is the pathetic red trickle event of 2022. 

My RedState colleague Streiff writes that Trump now thinks it may be time for Ms. Romney McDaniel to exit the scene. 

"I think she did great when she ran Michigan for me, I think she did OK initially in the RNC. I would say right now there will probably be some changes made," Trump said of McDaniel in an interview with Maria Bartiromo. 

It's a bit of a stretch to say that McDaniel's early days at the RNC were even "OK." The Republicans did pick up two seats in the Senate during the 2018 midterms, but hemorrhaged a net 41 seats in the House, returning the Speaker's gavel to Granny Boxwine Pelosi. 

That's not exactly a résumé builder. 

By the time January of 2023 rolled around, the Republican rabble types like me were in the mood for a change at the party. The desires of the hoi polloi don't often get reflected at the national party level. That environment is still very insulated and controlled by generally clueless and wealthy "harumph" Republicans. 

Rank and file Republicans were hoping that attorney Harmeet Dhillon would be elected chair of the GOP last year. There was a lot of vocal support for her in the activist community. 

Ronna McDaniel had Trump in her corner though. He was a very big supporter of her last year and helped her get reelected despite the fact that she had just presided over the awfulness of the 2022 midterms. 

Related: Forget Leftist Voter Fraud — Republicans Are Great at Losing Elections All by Themselves

Yeah, it's nice that Trump is finally on board the "Bye-Bye Ronna" train, but this should have happened a lot sooner. 

There is a lot to like about Trump, but the fact that he often places a higher premium on loyalty than competence isn't admirable. The GOP was in desperate need of new leadership a year ago and might have gotten some if Trump had advocated for it. "Better late than never" isn't going to cut it in this election. 

Especially when it comes to getting rid of the Romney stench in the GOP. 

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