
'We Need a Diaper and a Cleanup on Aisle Jimmy Kimmel'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

One of the more cliché behaviors exhibited by American leftists is toddler-esque emotional fragility. The poor dears just fall apart when they're not being coddled by their fellow simpletons. The flop sweat and tears are something to behold whenever one them comes up against anyone from outside the hivemind. 

The above goes double for leftists in entertainment. 

I'm not breaking any news here; I just couldn't resist the urge to weigh in on the fact that #1 Joe Biden fanboy Jimmy Kimmel is presently buying adult diapers in bulk after Aaron Rodgers gave him a sad.


My good friend Larry O'Connor covers the kerfuffle in this video over at Townhall. As Larry points out, Kimmel's shtick isn't comedy; it's merely "mean-spirited" badmouthing of people who don't share his politics. Like Stephen Colbert, Kimmel rose to prominence when the only prerequisite for hosting a "comedy" show was being able to tell the same three Sarah Palin jokes the entire time that His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama was president. 

These days, Kimmel has his lips firmly planted on the backside of the Oval Office's Sir Sniffsalot, serving up partisan pablum for low-info Dem audiences to go all "rah-rah" for. He should deliver his nightly monologue in a cheerleader skirt while holding a megaphone. 

As I have written many times, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris provide the most target-rich environment for comedy of any POTUS/Veep combo in the television era. Kimmel and his writers have responded to this gift by writing a bunch of foot-stompy digs at Trump that they mistakenly label as jokes. It's not a stretch to imagine Kimmel spending his off-air hours sitting on the floor of his dark office, rocking back and forth, all the while muttering, "Trumpses scares Jimmygollum." 

Kimmel doesn't just badmouth people who are his political opposites; he's quite comfortable embracing lies and repeatedly slandering them. He leg-humped the baseless Trump/Russia collusion horse manure for years. Kimmel also embraced another persistent lie about Trump that never had any basis in reality (h/t Twitchy): 

If you say "pee tape" three times, a future Hall of Fame quarterback calls you a pedophile. That's irrefutable science, people. It's a little like the "Candyman" horror film, but with more Jimmy Kimmel tears. 

Leftists are emotional weaklings because they eschew diversity of opinion and are therefore never challenged intellectually. They're frightened little children who live in constant fear that a thought bully might take their ball away from them. 

Kimmel and Colbert have all but destroyed late-night comedy by being high paid fluffers for the worst ongoing political porn flick ever. Forget missing Johnny Carson (which I obviously do), I'm already waxing nostalgic for James Corden. 

Laying aside all of the existential implications for this year's presidential election, I would like to see Trump win just to watch Kimmel and the rest of the Late-Night Pandering Pansy Brigade really melt down. I'll finally have a reason to watch those guys for a night or two. 

Not three though. 

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