But Mail-In Ballots Are Fraud-Proof, Or Something
This will be brief, just because I know that there will be more and more posts like this to share in the coming days. I’m not even sure how many stories like this I’ve seen just since the weekend and I am writing this on Monday evening.
Democrats have been assuring us that mail-in voting is fraud-proof. Then again, they’ve also been assuring us for years that voter fraud doesn’t exist in any way, shape, or form. Cool story if you believe in the Great Pumpkin and like fairy tales.
Even if you give them — which I don’t in any way — the premise that it is difficult or even nigh on impossible to perpetrate election fraud via mail-in ballots, there are still any number of things that can go wrong once you’ve involved that many moving parts.
Today’s example comes from Queens, N.Y.
Voters in New York City have received mail-in ballots for the 2020 presidential election marked for military use despite never having served in the armed forces — causing confusion and concerns over whether the ballots can or should be used.
The misprint makes it appear that the voters received a “Official Military Absentee Ballot” instead of a “Military/Absentee Ballot,” leaving several borough residents who received the documents — including two Post journalists — worried that their votes might not be properly tallied.
“I believe that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” said City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, referring to the constituents in his Sunnyside district who have reached out to him about receiving the ballots. “It appears that everyone has gotten this particular ballot.”
Experts from both sides of the political aisle said the typo ultimately wouldn’t matter because the city Board of Elections uses the same ballots for both military voters and traditional absentee voters who live in the same district.
The reassurance at the end of that isn’t really that comforting. Democrats are looking for any angle to upend and prolong this election well past November 3rd and any little way they can throw doubt on the validity of a mail-in or absentee (NOT THE SAME THING) ballot will surely be taken advantage of.
They’ve already brilliantly managed to adjust the voting public’s expectations:
The Democrat media's months-long efforts using mail-in voting to delegitimize the election results have been successful. https://t.co/nOkNbxyvap
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) September 28, 2020
Election integrity is taking a hit all over the place this week, with James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas having uncovered a ballot harvesting scheme in Minnesota that helped the thoroughly execrable Rep. Ilhan Omar.
That got the attention of what’s left of the defunded Minneapolis Police Department:
ALLEGATIONS OF VOTER FRAUD BEING EVALUATED. ✅ The MPD is aware of the allegations of vote harvesting. We are in the process of looking into the validity of those statements. No further information is available at this time on this.
— Minneapolis Police (@MinneapolisPD) September 28, 2020
As I have written many times, the longer they can create post-election chaos, the more they can commit fraud. It was Minnesota, in fact, where votes for Al Franken magically appeared in the trunk of a car when he was running against Norm Coleman for Senate in 2008.
Coleman had a solid lead on election night that vanished once activist judges got their grubby little fraud fingers all over everything. Disputed ballots rarely get counted for the Republican in places like that. Liberal judges have no qualms about swaying an election.

Mail-in ballot fraud is difficult to prove. So are libel and perjury in a court of law. That doesn’t mean that neither happen.
Buckle up for a big happening this year.
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Democrats Will Use Mail-In Ballots Scam to Throw Election Into Chaos
Biden’s Texas Political Director, Other Democrats Accused In Illegal Ballot Harvesting Scheme
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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