Ryan Reynolds Gets 'Peloton Wife' to Make Hilarious Spoof Ad for His Aviation Gin

(Image: Twitter.com @VanCityReynolds Screenshot)

This past Tuesday’s Morning Briefing featured a story about the Peloton Christmas ad that had gone viral for all of the wrong reasons. In it, a wife who is in almost perfect physical condition is given a $2200 Peloton indoor bike as a Christmas gift from her husband. She then does a year-long video diary of her journey to even more perfect fitness. The reason the ad went viral is that there is a decidedly creepy, Sleeping With the Enemy vibe to it. The wife often looks as if her husband is standing just off-camera with a gun in his hand, exhorting her to get on her bike.


Peloton defended the ad, but the company’s stock took a beating because of it.

In an absolutely brilliant marketing move, actor Ryan Reynolds hired the actress (Monica Ruiz) who played the wife in the Peloton ad, to do a spoof of it to promote his Aviation Gin brand.

Ruiz is joined by two friends at a bar and all three have Aviation Gin in front of them. While it’s never explicitly stated, it’s implied that her character is the “Peloton Wife.” She’s staring blankly at the camera, then one of her friends tells her that she’s “safe here.” Ruiz then chugs her entire glass in one gulp.

There aren’t that many lines of dialog in the ad but it’s really funny anyway. It’s also quite the marketing feat that Reynolds’ company was able to find her and get this spot produced in just a matter of days.




PJ Media Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.”


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