The Morning Briefing: Is Biden 'Trumping' His Competition?

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Biden His Time

Much has been made recently of the triumvirate of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg being serious threats to Joe Biden and his electability argument.


Nate Silver — one of the few election analysts who ever gets anything right — keeps reminding people that, despite various narratives, Biden is still the front-runner, and has been since he entered the race.

Last month, Silver pointed out that Elizabeth Warren’s constantly-talked-about ascendance really didn’t hurt Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep at all.

After the Michael Bloomberg kinda/sorta chapter began a few days ago, the consensus was that Biden might be the hardest hit. Silver again dispels that notion:

In fact, Silver has mentioned on more than one occasion that people seem to not grasp just how much Biden is liked by regular Democrats, the ones in parts of the country that aren’t heard from much in the media, and who are probably underrepresented in the polls.

Haven’t we heard that story in a recent election?

The timelines may be different, but in 2016, Trump was also a front-runner who the media smart set kept saying wouldn’t last.

It’s not all parallels, of course. Trump was deliberately plotting his path in 2016. Biden is just standing around, grinning his idiot grin and — like Hillary Clinton before him — feeling entitled.


Which is precisely why Mr. Electable will meet her fate should he end up facing Trump.

Flashback to Bill Kristol’s Eternal Wrongness 

This is especially delicious given that Nikki Haley continues to prove herself to be the antidote to Trump Derangement Syndrome:

Bill Kristol Fantasizes About Meeting Nikki Haley in a ‘Secret Place’ to Discuss a Run Against Trump in 2020


News You Can Use

Also, if “whiskey expert” is a thing, why am I still writing about politics????

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Bee Me

The Kruiser Kabana

Aqua seafoam shame, people, that’s all I’m saying.

I may spend some time abroad teaching the British how to speak English.


PJ Media Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.”



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