DeVos Family Pulls Support from Justin Amash After Impeachment Tweets

(Carly Geraci/Kalamazoo Gazette-MLive Media Group via AP)

In case you missed it last weekend, everybody’s favorite Trump-hating Republican not named Mitt Romney was busy having a Twitter bonding moment with House Democrats:


Amash then went on a snoozefest of a Twitter rant about why, in his legal opinion, the party he doesn’t belong to is right.

He not only let his daddy issues be manifested in his Trump hate, but he worked them out with plenty of bad things to say about Attorney General Bob Barr too.

With friends like this, who needs Democrats?

Naturally, the Democrats and the seventeen remaining #NeverTrump people — all of whom are locked in Bill Kristol’s basement — launched into an orgiastic frenzy, immediately crowning him King of Integrityland.

Back in reality, Amash is still a member of the United States House of Representatives and, as such, has to run for reelection every two years. That requires money.

The less time a member of the House has to spend fundraising, the more time he or she can schmooze the electorate. Built-in sources of donations are coveted for that reason.


Amash’s weekend Twitter antics just cost him one of those:


Michigan’s influential and wealthy DeVos family will cease its support for Rep. Justin Amash, turning on the fifth-term Republican lawmaker after he tweeted that President Trump has engaged in “impeachable conduct,” the Detroit News reported on Wednesday.

Why it matters: The backlash Amash has faced since his Saturday tweets, including condemnation from his own House Freedom Caucus, serves as evidence of the perils of criticizing Trump as a member of the Republican party. Within days of Amash’s Twitter attack, the Michigan lawmaker earned himself a new primary challenger — State Rep. Jim Lowers, a loyal pro-Trump conservative, per the Detroit News.

The article states that the DeVos family has donated $65,000 to Amash thus far and has “continued their considerable fundraising efforts,” even after Education Secretary Betsy DeVos had to cease all political contributions.


For too many years the GOP has indulged its in-house backstabbers. When one finally disappears, another materializes. Flake leaves the Senate, Romney enters and picks up where he left off.

This is largely because a turncoat Republican will be overwhelmingly praised by the liberal mainstream media. Some just can’t resist the attention, party loyalty be damned.

Despite the fact that the people who are yammering on and on about impeachment are reluctant to proceed with it, Amash knows a prime publicity opportunity when he sees one. This isn’t about integrity. People with integrity don’t consistently leave those that they are supposed to be loyal to hanging high and dry.

High and dry is Amash’s shtick, however.

He will make a fine MSNBC analyst one day. Hopefully one day soon.


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