Tucker Carlson and The Onion-A Dry Humor Match Made in Heaven

(Grabien Screen Shot)

As one who has to monitor the news more than the average person every day, I am forever on the lookout for those rare moments when all involved aren’t taking themselves too seriously. In recent times, that usually only happens if Greg Gutfeld or Tucker Carlson are on the air. Sure, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow smiles a lot, but it’s a disturbing grin that looks like it’s a precursor to her doing something awful to someone’s pet ferret. CNN is the home to Wolf Blitzer, who hasn’t smiled since birth.


As I have said before, Tucker Carlson is one of the few cable news hosts who can still laugh with his guests and at himself. The Onion is still America’s finest satire site (although the Babylon Bee is right behind it). After The Onion posted a story saying that Carlson was “Unsure Why’s He’s in the Middle of a 20 Minute Rant Against Croutons,” Tucker felt compelled to correct “one of the country’s few remaining reliable news outlets.”


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