U.S. Grilled Over Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets At U.N. Climate Shakedown

As was noted here yesterday, it’s the least wonderful time of the year for those who aren’t members of the Church of Climate Hysteria.

Like all things United Nations, this dog and melting pony show is designed primarily to give lesser countries a public forum to pretend to be superior to the United States.


Washington is on track to meet its targets for reducing emissions in heat-trapping greenhouse gases despite an uptick last year, U.S. officials insisted at climate talks Monday.

Quizzed by rich and poor countries about its efforts against global warming, President Barack Obama’s envoys sought to explain how exactly the U.S. plans to cut emissions 17 percent by 2020 based on 2005 levels.

Emissions were down about 10 percent but rose slightly last year and in early 2014 due to an “extraordinarily cold winter” that required high energy consumption, deputy U.S. climate adviser Rick Duke said in response to a question from China. He said emissions are projected to be down next year.

For the most part, China has been given a free pass on emissions standards by the international community, so the mere fact that its envoys get to even speak at this conference are an indication of what a sham it is.


Note also the reference to an “extraordinarily cold winter” as a factor for the uptick in emissions. That’s right, we didn’t meet some arbitrary numbers because we are a civilized country that tries to keep its citizens from freezing to death in the winter.

Those of us who are more than cynical about the U.N. motives may wonder if there is something to be gained by making American officials feel guilty.

Remember kids, our current president is eager for the United States to be treated this way.


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