Allegedly 'Organic' Occupy Uprising Had Founders, And They're Suing Each Other

Happy Anniversary!

Activists who organized the dormant Occupy Wall Street movement are suing another activist for control of the main Twitter account, and one of the plaintiffs says there was no other option but to turn to litigation to solve the dispute.

The conflict centers around @OccupyWallStNYC, one of the main Twitter feeds that distributed information during the movement’s heyday in 2011. The OWS Media Group filed a lawsuit against organizer Justin Wedes on Wednesday, which is also the third anniversary of the beginning of Occupy Wall Street. The group, led by activist Marisa Holmes, is seeking control of the Twitter account as well as $500,000 in damages.


Back in the days when Occupy Wall St. was stinking up public spaces from coast to coast, we were treated to narrative onslaught about the organic nature of the movement. It was supposed to have sprung from nothing more than the frustration of some college youth, all of whom seem to have been homeless rather than in school. It was often contrasted with the Tea Party movement, which the MSM and Occupy people were forever saying was astroturfed by, you guessed it, THE KOCH BROTHERS.

As with most things having to do with progressives, reality was the opposite of what they were saying. I had the chance (lucky me!) to travel around the country and encounter more than one Occupy group. Some had a heavy union presence in charge, others were run by professional organizers/agitators. I met one in Madison, WI (I’d infiltrated the camp with the Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft. We didn’t lie but we weren’t terribly open about who we were.) who rolled her eyes and laughed when I asked if she ever spent the night at the camp.


It faded out as quickly as it came into being, because it was fake. But think back and remember that almost everyone in the media, as well as the highest ranking Democrat in the House, and the President lied to us about the group.


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