Results for: the daily caller

Sharyl Attkisson: Sources Say Obama Won't Listen to Intel About Islamic Terrorist Groups…a-wont-listen-to-intel-about-islamic-terrorist-groups-n44574
– “I don’t know the reasoning for it — I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him, or been in the circle … As Kerry Picket reported at the Daily Caller, Obama is having domestic law enforcement officers “trained to focus on the behavior” … Daily Caller.…
Time to End Corporate Welfare for Big Sugar
– Writes the Daily Caller, “the direct cost to taxpayers of the sugar program soared to $300 million because the Department of Agriculture … The government is using your tax dollars to purchase excess sugar to keep it off the market so you can pay more money for the “limited … The government needs to be forced to look out for the citizens, not the corporate deep pockets.…
At Some Colleges, Mistletoe Not 'Inclusive' Enough to Be an Approved Christmas Decoration…clusive-enough-to-be-an-approved-christmas-decoration-n44730
– But as the Daily Caller points out, most colleges, including Cornell University, are banning the use of misteltoe. … The second half of the document, though, veers off into a discussion of how to make the Christmas season more “inclusive.” … I’ve always wondered why if, according to the schools, Christmas doesn’t exist, close the campus the week of December 25?…
San Bernardino Shooting Suspect Tashfeen Malik Passed DHS Counterterrorism Screening…tashfeen-malik-passed-dhs-counterterrorism-screening-n44709
– In order to obtain the green card, the couple “had to prove that their marriage was legitimate, and Ms. … As Kerry Picket at the Daily Caller reported last month, Obama administration counterterrorism officials have trained DHS law enforcement … National security consultant David Reaboi told the Daily Caller that screeners are trained not to ask about key identifiers that would…
Deobandi Butchery in San Bernardino: 1977 Roots of the Jihad Carnage
– Haney’s efforts (as summarized by Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller) were eventually noticed by the National Targeting Center (NTC), which … Will the world of Islam realize the hope of the world of men? And will the Arab world realize the hope of the Muslim world? … The Sharia is the most complete and the most perfect jurisprudential system in the world.…
Former DIA Chief Flynn Says Obama's Terrorism Strategy 'Is Not Working'
– Flynn made his remarks in an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation: While Obama has claimed “we’re on track” with fighting … the facts. … Other topics discussed in the video are the mistake of invading Iraq, the disaster of toppling Libya’s leader, the error of allowing…
The Circular Critical Theory Firing Squad
– But what happens when the barbarians are both the critics and inside the gate? … As Jim Treacher quips at the Daily Caller, one critic at the leftwing American Prospect Website believes “Captain America isn’t racist … child and the TV.…
A Festivus for the Rest of Us
– ” — The New York Times’ profile of Desirée Rogers, the former Obama White House social secretary, December 4th, 2009. … All of which bring us to today’s headline at the Daily Caller: “GOP aims to gut Christmas, White House alleges.” … He has little apparent concern for the material well being of the disadvantaged.…
Oh, If This Had Been Bush, Part 1,327,922
– “Obama gaffe: President says billionaires should pay ‘Jew’ tax rate,” as spotted (complete with video) by the Daily Caller and Gateway … over the last twenty years, and folks at the bottom have seen their incomes decline, and your response is that you want poor folks … And as the Weasel Zippers note, “Never mind the Jeremiah Wright-like gaffe, what kind of example is the President of the United States…
Interviewed in The Daily Caller
Daily Caller senior editor Jamie Weinstein interviewed me about my new book In the Wake of the Surge. … What did shock me, though, in the Arab parts of Iraq, was the condition of the city of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar Province. … The two freest Arab countries, Iraq and Lebanon, are the two that have suffered the worst Arab-on-Arab violence in the modern era.…
GM Agrees to Give UAW Members $5,000 Signing Bonus. Should Taxpayers Have Been Paid First?…signing-bonus-should-taxpayers-have-been-paid-first-n137017
The United Auto Workers and General Motors have come to a tentative agreement for a national labor contract covering the next four … While the UAW members, I’m sure, look at the bonus and raises as compensation for the concessions they’ve given to domestic automakers … In the Daily Caller, Mickey Kaus asks the question, “How about paying back the $15 billion first?”…
No, a NYT Reporter Didn't Give the Obama White House Twitter Advice
The Daily Caller alleges that NYT social media reporter Jen Preston (no known relation to yours truly) handed White House twitter dude … Far be it from me to side with both the NYT and the Washington Post, but I don’t think Preston was “suggesting” a hashtag as the DailyThe Daily Caller has run a story about nothing, or rather, they missed the real story here.…
Three Guesses About Whom Obama Blames for the Slow Pace of Recovery
– No matter the issue, the president blames America’s economic and military decline on the Republican Party. … Daily Caller: “The plans that we have put in place to grow the economy have worked,” the president declared in the Oval Office. … It’s the president who gets the blame – and the credit – for the state of the American economy, and there are millions of people out…
De Blasio's Curious Comments About the 20% Increase in Violent Crime
Daily Caller: “Guns are being taken off the street in an unprecedented way,” the mayor stated. … No matter what weapons the criminals use to threaten their victims, the terror is just the same. … to the detriment of the quality of life of ordinary New Yorkers.…
Ben Carson Security Forces Unprecedented Delays at CPAC
The Daily Caller estimated that, had Carson chosen to stay in the race until the July convention in Cleveland, his security would cost … While this is technically true, the real reason the lines were so long was the security, not the governor. … relief of the crowd.…
Terrifying Report: U.S. Funded Specific Research at Wuhan Lab that Led to Coronavirus…cific-research-at-wuhan-lab-that-led-to-coronavirus-n1306170
The World Health Organization is beginning an investigation into the scientific origins of the coronavirus. … Daily Caller: In the early 2000’s, Dr. … The memo said the lab needed more help from the U.S. to do the dangerous work they were trying.…
Rep. Eric Swalwell Tries to Sic FBI on BlazeTV Journalist Elijah Schaffer for Covering Capitol Riot…ared-attacked-and-banned-for-covering-capitol-riots-n1325008
– It all started with a poorly researched hit piece in the Daily Beast. Then it escalated quickly. … Reporters from Townhall and the Daily Caller did the same. … However, if you read the Daily Beast post, you would think Schaffer organized the breach of the doors and was gleefully participating…
Remember When the Left Loved Rioters and Kamala Harris Loved a Group That Bailed Them Out of Jail?…arris-promoted-a-group-that-bailed-them-out-of-jail-n1310487
the riots in response to the death of George Floyd. … to get out of jail, according to court records obtained by the Daily Caller. … The Coronavirus Against Donald Trump, and the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama.…
Seattle $15 an Hour Phased-In Minimum Wage Law Has Cost 700 jobs
Daily Caller: In its report, the American Enterprise Institute looked at restaurant job growth in both Seattle and the rest of Washington … The city ordinance is designed to phase in over the course of several years. … If enacted, the increase will gradually put New York City to the $15 mark by 2018 and the rest of the state by 2021.…
The Porous U.S. 'Security' System: Blame Green Cards
– Attorney Lisa McKeel filed the indictments against the two NASA supervisors before the U.S. … The Daily Caller News Foundation obtained the indictments. Woodell and Jobson’s case will come before a yet-to-be named U.S. … District Judge in the next few weeks, according to the U.S. Attorneys office.…
BLOCKBUSTER: White House official admits to "hundreds" of admin meetings with US terror-tied groups…undreds-of-admin-meetings-with-us-terror-tied-groups-n166370
– Neil Munro at the Daily Caller has a blockbuster story this afternoon about his conversation with White House Director of Community … “There is hundreds of examples of departments and agencies that meet with CAIR on a range of issues,” he told The Daily Caller, after … Go read Neil Munro’s article at the Daily Caller now.…
Just Saying
The Sun-Times also states Beale is not the only elected official weighing in on the project. … For example, on a day when job numbers were reported to by abysmally low, the Daily Caller reported that the President was “raising … According to the New York Times, she’s the person who gave Obama “entry into another activist network: the foot soldiers of the white…
I Oppose Barack Obama Because He's Black
Daily Caller treated Barack Obama with disrespect. … Well, the old hairpiece has a point. … his opposition to the ideals of the American founding.…
WaPo Blogger Pesters Daily Caller's Neil Munro for Answers About His Question to Obama…s-neil-munro-for-answers-about-his-question-to-obama-n166916
Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro famously interrupted President Obama on Friday during a presentation on immigration policy. … An impressive number of people outside of the Daily Caller deemed Munro’s actions rude, unacceptable or something along those lines … The ostensibly high-minded but actually absent-minded response from Daily Caller-land zeroes in on accountability.…
Jon Stewart Mocks the Rich From His Opulent Mansions, From Which He Usually Pays His Taxes…pulent-mansions-from-which-he-usually-pays-his-taxes-n166904
– Stewart often mocks Mitt Romney for his wealth, but the Daily Caller took a look at Stewart’s finances and found little room for him … to documents obtained by The Daily Caller that refer to the Stewarts as “tax delinquents.” … The Empire State issued its first “state tax warrant” for the couple’s failure to pay $476.03, sending the notice to the address of…
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