Results for: hillary

Sasse Advocates Single-Term Third Choice to Clean Up 'This Messy Moment'…ingle-term-third-choice-to-clean-up-this-messy-moment-n44021
– I disagree with Hillary Clinton on almost every single thing – but I will vote for her before Trump. … bosses and politicos telling me that ‘although Trump is terrible,’ we ‘have to’ support him, ‘because the only choice is Trump or Hillary … Of Trump and Hillary Clinton, the senator noted that “there are dumpster fires in my town more popular than these two ‘leaders.’”…
In Praise of Trump: Betsy McCaughey Defends The Donald
Hillary is pushing for even more — with controls on hiring, pay, bonuses and overtime to promote “fairer growth.” … Hillary assumes “You don’t own that.” Government will run your business. … Hillary wants companies to stop maximizing quarterly earnings for shareholders — what she derides as “quarterly capitalism.”…
Dear GOP: I've Decided To Start Seeing Other Parties
– These days I sort of know what we’re against (Obama, Hillary, winning the White House), but if forced at gunpoint to describe a positive…
Ahead of Convention, Libertarians Dangle 'Tax-and-Spending-Cutter’s Dream' Nominee…tarians-dangle-tax-and-spending-cutters-dream-nominee-n44019
– “We invite Republicans, who are aghast at the big spending and trade wars they expect from Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, to join … “His departure from the race, along with the likely nomination of Hillary Clinton by the Democrats, makes it clear that neither of … “In November, there will be three candidates on the ballot in all 50 states: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the Libertarian Party…
'Guccifer' Claims He Hacked into Hillary's Email Server
– The hacker known as “Guccifer” said in an interview with NBC News that he was able to hack into Democrat presidential candidate Hillary … Will Guccifer Upend Hillary?…
George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush Refuse to Back Donald Trump
– First Anti-Trump Ads from Hillary Feature All GOP Remarks While both Bush 41 and Bush 43 endorsed Mitt Romney in 2012 and campaigned…
Sharpton to PJM: 'Not Going to Underestimate' What Trump Would Do as President…ing-to-underestimate-what-trump-would-do-as-president-n44016
– said he has decided not to “estimate” what Trump is going to do in a general election and urged Democratic presidential candidate Hillary
First Anti-Trump Ads from Hillary Feature All GOP Remarks
Hillary Clinton has rolled out her first anti-Trump ads — and the likely Democratic nominee doesn’t say a word about the presumptive … —Trump Here’s what the presumptive @GOP nominee would do as president. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton … Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio agree. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 4, 2016 Clinton followed…
Paid Family Leave ... For Pet Owners?
– As Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton push for a federal mandate for paid family leave, some liberals insist that’s not enough.…
#NeverTrump Means #NeverTrump
– If you think I’ll do a 180 and suddenly start writing positively about him just because Hillary Clinton is a wackjob, you’ve got something…
RNC Chairman: Trump 'Probably Good for Our Party'
– I mean, Hillary Clinton, she can’t win a state. … And it’s going to take some time, but we’re going to get there, because Hillary Clinton, and the Supreme Court, and getting our debt … “And I think people are going to understand that the words ‘President Hillary Clinton’ is something that we can’t stand for.”…
Kasich Cancels Events, Reportedly Will Suspend Campaign
– facing a clear choice between positive solutions that can win in November and a darker path that will solve nothing and lead to Hillary
#NeverTrump Remains Relevant
– If that means Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States, so be it.…
Get Ready for the Biggest Media Assault You've Ever Seen—Aimed Squarely at Trump…media-assault-youve-ever-seen-aimed-squarely-at-trump-n44011
– (Don’t worry, they’ll be fair and spend some time on Hillary, mostly talking about her resilience in the face of trials.) … They are not going to stand by and take a chance that Hillary Clinton will not become president. … They may not like Hillary, but they know she’ll reliably protect their dual sacraments—abortion on demand and LGBT rights.…
The Presidency Is Trump's to Lose—The Sequel
– He is particularly fortunate that his opposition, Hillary Clinton, besides still being under threat of indictment and still not having…
Indiana Exit Poll: White Women Delivered the State to Sanders
– Interesting… Bernie Sanders won in Indiana Tuesday with stronger support among groups that have helped Hillary Clinton win in other … Sanders has been doing well in places where the Democratic electorate is whiter, and Hillary cleans up with minority voters, so that … The anti-Wall Street sentiment is really strong on that side, however, and Hillary has been trying to co-opt Sanders on that and it…
The Missing Grand Strategy
– A new book by Mark Landler, Alter Egos: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the twilight struggle over American Power suggests Obama … Obama’s successor — whether that is Donald or Hillary — must grapple with problems which the administration cannot even acknowledge…
5 Reasons Ted Cruz Should Not Have Dropped Out
– In the end, a liberal menace far worse than any establishment Republican (did Romney or McCain give money to Hillary Clinton?)…
Bernie Overcomes Polling Deficit to Defeat Hillary in Indiana
– Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) overcame a nearly 7 point deficit in the polling average to defeat Hillary Clinton by more than 5 points in … While Donald Trump seeks to bully and divide Americans, Hillary Clinton will unite us to create an economy that works for everyone. … The campaign said it raised $2.4 million in three days off Trump’s remarks that Hillary was running on the “women’s card.”…
In the Wake of Cruz's Defeat, 'Never Trump' Movement Ponders Its Next Moves…s-defeat-never-trump-movement-ponders-its-next-moves-n120446
– Meanwhile, on the Democrat side, Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton, 53-47, dealing another blow to the former first lady and … that really was rigged for Clinton from the outset, Sanders’ recent string of victories has party regulars questioning whether Hillary
Kasich Camp: 'We Intend to Forcefully Give' GOP Voters a 'Choice'
– into angry, irrelevant status for decades,” the strategist added, stressing the Real Clear Politics polling average that shows Hillary
Hillary Gets an Earful from Laid Off Coal Worker in West Virginia
– At a CNN forum in March, Hillary Clinton laid out her plans to destroy the coal industry. … What Hillary and her pals at the EPA, along with their allies in the green movement, have done is set out to deliberately destroy an … Vote Hillary for the total destruction of your industry. Or vote for the Republican who will try and save at least some of it.…
Trump Predicts Sanders (and Clinton!) Voters Will Back Him Over Hillary
– frontrunner Donald Trump said that Bernie Sanders voters are likely to cross over and pull the lever for him over Democratic frontrunner Hillary … Trump also predicted that “a lot of the people who are with Hillary are going to vote for me, certainly the independents and people … In all fairness, Trump’s stream-of-consciousness declaration is likely meant to separate Hillary voters from independents and “people…
Who Will Be Trump's VP?
– Lapping the Republican field with by far the most votes anyone has ever garnered in GOP primaries and already edging past Hillary head-to-head … Trump has clearly all but won the Republican nomination much sooner  than many expected and, unlike Hillary Clinton, who may have to…
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