Results for: global warming

Canceling Skeptical Scientists Is the Real 'Climate Crisis'
– Clauser criticized granting of the Nobel Prize for the development of computer models that predicted global warming.…
California Relying on Fossil Fuels Amid Heat Wave
– Despite relying heavily on fossil fuels the past week, Newsom still argues that natural gas is responsible for “global warming.”…
Leftist Senators Call on Garland to Sue the Oil Industry
– You know, that which was global-cooling-turned-global-warming-turned-climate change. … 1959, Edward Teller warned the American Petroleum Institute that carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels would raise global … In 1975, Shell-backed research concluded that increasing atmospheric carbon concentrations could cause global temperature increases…
Wanted: Single Male, No Smokers, Must Have Climate Anxiety
– questions but has said that she will not settle for anyone who cares less about issues than she does, adding, “talking about how globalwarming affects our lives, however casually, becomes a sort of canary in the coal mine for learning about people’s broader beliefs…
Who Will Say 'No More' to the Current Madness?
– To even say there are still two biological genders, that global warming may not be entirely manmade or necessarily destroying the planet…
The Fake Climate Consensus
– Tie extreme weather events to global warming!” “So, this hysteria is your fault!” I tell her. “Not really,” she smiles. … “The IPCC wasn’t supposed to focus on any benefits of warming.…
79 Arsonists Arrested Amid Deadly Greek Wildfires
– Eco-terrorism could be on the rise as climate crazies try to prove the dangers of alleged global warming, even as data shows that the … But it seems as if deadly fires are becoming a global problem not because of climate change, but because of government negligence and…
Is 'Climate Fear' to Blame for Maui Wildfires?
– “Hawaii Electric, in its ESG report for 2022, fretted [about] wildfires in the year 2100 from global warming,” Milloy said.…
Bad Government Caused the Maui Wildfires, Not Climate Change
– talking heads on cable news or read stories in the New York Times or Washington Post making the claim that it was human-caused globalwarming that is responsible for the wildfire, you’re hearing a biased political opinion and not a scientific analysis — even though…
Is 'Climate Change' the New 'Race Card’?
– “So just to be clear, when you’re talking about global warming, are you saying that climate change amplified the cost of human error…
Bill Gates Funds Plan to Chop Down, Bury Millions of Trees
– We know the globe isn’t warming but rather cooling and that the fearmongering about emissions and climate change has been just empty … We know that Bill Gates has advocated for a massive reduction of the global population before.…
Can Auto Companies Invest in EV Transition and Pay the UAW What They Want?…est-in-ev-transition-and-pay-the-uaw-what-they-want-n1727700
– There is no earthly reason — even if you accept the theory of human-caused global warming — for the transition from gas-powered to…
‘Climate Fact Check’: Orgs Expose Media Climate Lies
– ICSC), and Truth in Energy and Climate put together CLIMATE FACT CHECK: AUGUST 2023 EDITION: Another way to consider “average global … This data set shows there has been global cooling from January 2015 through August 2023. … Indeed, a study last year found that fossil fuel emissions were too low to cause global warming.…
– “Donald Trump calls global warming a hoax and President Biden offers feel-good solutions that will make no difference to the global
Climate Science Isn’t Science at All — It’s Pure Politics
– There’s always a new ice age looming, or global warming. … There never seems to be a consensus as to whether the earth is warming or cooling, so in recent decades, we’ve been conditioned to … “Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should…
Climate Protester Who Glued His Feet to the Floor Complains About Being Put in Psych Ward…the-floor-complains-about-being-put-in-psyche-ward-n1725708
– vulnerable areas to climate change… They’re going to pay the price for this huge amount of resource and energy consumption in the global … In fact, the “consensus” is that unless we can keep global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade by the end of the century, there will…
Climate Expert: Biden Policies, Not ‘Climate Change,’ Are Costing Americans Money…cies-not-climate-change-are-costing-americans-money-n1732572
– For instance, NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data shows no global warming for eight years, and a study … last year found evidence that CO2 emissions from fossil fuels are too low to cause global warming anyway. … Roy Spencer, Ph.D. explained in June how 36 climate models way overestimated warming in America’s Corn Belt.…
WEF Pushes Net Zero — Even Though Trees and Humans Need Carbon to Survive…even-though-trees-and-humans-need-carbon-to-survive-n1730716
– Not only that, but the globe is also cooling, not warming. … There is evidence too that fossil fuel carbon emissions are too low to drive global warming.…
Weekend Parting Shot: Greta Is Back
– And let’s face it: if you want wind and solar farms to stop global warming/cooling/whatever, they gotta go somewhere.…
Exclusive: Climate Expert Calls ‘Three Strikes’ Against Climate Alarmism…expert-calls-three-strikes-against-climate-alarmism-n1734824
– The first myth the groups attacked was the media apocalypse prophesying on “global warming.” … There has still been no global warming since January 2015,” the report insisted. … It ends by providing context to an analysis supposedly proving man-driven global warming.…
The Morning Briefing: Biden and His Idiot Supporters Are Trying to Cancel Georgia…d-his-idiot-supporters-are-trying-to-cancel-georgia-n1436886
– the Woke Mob Georgia House Sends Woke Capital a Wake-up Call After False Attacks on Election Integrity Law Court Throws Out GlobalWarming Suit by New York City Against Big Oil Companies VodkaPundit: Insanity Wrap #178: Apple’s Siri Digital Assistant Goes Woke…
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