The PR Fallout of MAGAttan: Trump Takes New York! (And Why This Was Only Part One)

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Donald Trump once wrote a bestselling book called “The Art of the Deal.” Maybe you’ve heard of it. Well, that star-studded spectacle you just saw in Madison Square Garden on Sunday night was the Art of the Close.


Packed house. Bright lights. In a campaign filled with indelible moments, this was simply the latest. 

So what happens next?

Well, the New York Republican Party is certainly energized (and undoubtedly richer), but let’s be honest: If Trump actually carries the state of New York, all of this is kinda pointless anyway. If the 2024 MAGA Wave is large enough to swallow the Empire State, then we’re standing at the precipice of something larger and more generational than anyone’s wildest imagination. (Let’s temper our expectations and unchill our champagne bottles, shall we?)

Instead, this was the closing argument of the 20224 Presidential Election, Part One.

Earlier, I mentioned indelible moments. There’s been a lot of them already: Trump getting shot, Biden’s debate performance, Trump flipping burgers, Trump with Rogan, and now the visual of a packed house in the world’s most famous arena.

Trump planted a MAGA flag in the heart of the opposition. He entered the liberal lion’s den, stole the lion’s meal, and walked away unscathed.

If you noticed, almost all the indelible moments of the 2024 campaign involved Donald Trump. Biden was briefly memorable (in a bad way), but none of the other moments really included Kamala Harris. At best, she’s been a supporting actress in her own campaign, because the story of the 2024 election is still all about Donald Trump.


Look, Joe Biden might’ve been older than Nebuchadnezzar’s grandfather, but the American people knew who he was. That’s why, in the wake of COVID and all the other 2020 drama, enough people deemed him an acceptable alternative to the status quo. 

People don't view Harris the same way — and she is the status quo!

Looking back on it, she only had two high-water marks: Her acceptance speech and the accolades she received after the three-on-one presidential debate on NBC. Since then, she’s been swimming in quicksand, unable to move the needle.

She’s a progressive who can’t progress. 

Maybe you also noticed the rapid uptick in 2024 indelible images: Trump’s McDonald’s cameo, the Rogan sit-down, and the Madison Square Garden event all came within the past few days. That’s all by design, of course: YOU might be a political junkie who’s been following every gallop in the horserace, but most Americans aren’t like you.

But in the last days, everyone pays attention.

That’s when a natural-born showman knows to pour it on.

Not everyone will stop and listen to Trump’s MSG speech, but almost everyone will see the visuals. The photos were extraordinary: There’s Elon Musk wearing a gothic MAGA hat! There’s Melania Trump looking stunning! There’s Dana White!


But the real story was the crowd.

Madison Square Garden was rocking. The audience was red-hot — loud, boisterous, excited… and confident.

That’s the emotional takeaway: Trump’s side really, truly believes it's gonna win! 

Kamala’s side? Not so much.

Investors are now voting with their dollars. None other than CNN ran a story this morning, “Trump’s stock surges as traders predict an election victory.”

Team MAGA is energized and motivated to vote. However, we don’t want to peak too soon; there are still eight loooong days to go. Sometimes in politics, years happen in days! And as weird and unpredictable as this campaign’s been so far, the last thing we should be is complacent. 

That’s why this was just part one of the close. Trump almost certainly has something else up his sleeve.

And if it’s as effective as part one, he’ll win the closing argument — as well as the presidency.


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