Forget About a Wall China Paid for. This 'Walz' Was Bought & Paid for by LGBTQ Extremists.

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

If you’re wearing a crucifix — and actually believe in what it represents — you’re no longer welcome in Minnesota’s public schools. Beginning in July of 2025, all public school teachers and faculty will be required to “affirm” each student’s gender identity and/or sexual orientation, or they won’t be licensed to teach anymore. It’s not limited to elementary, middle, and high schools either: this new rule extends to every public college and public university in the state, too.


Gov. Tim Walz (who’s definitely not a weirdo like JD Vance) championed, supported, and signed the law. And why wouldn’t he? It represents his party’s goals and ideology.

When Minnesota teachers renew their license, which happens every five to seven years, they’re now required to prove their “cultural competency.” And, as I’m sure you’ve already guessed, Walz isn’t talking about American culture, Western culture, or Judeo-Christian culture. Instead, Minnesota teachers must “show evidence of self-reflection and discussion of” sexually-themed topics, such as “Gender identity, including transgender students” as well as “sexual orientation.” Sounds like fun!

(And if they have extra time, maybe they’ll squeeze in some math, reading, writing, history, and science.)

Walz’s anti-Christian edict doesn’t end there. Even if teachers acquiesce on the other issues, they’ll still be denied a license if they fail to acknowledge the “bias” in themselves when it comes to gender identity, racial identity, and sexual orientation. In Walz’s America, we just assume everyone’s a bigot.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been the world’s greatest teacher for 30 years. It’s irrelevant if your faith prohibits you from “affirming” gender changes. It doesn’t even matter if you stay quiet and keep your opinion to yourself! This is compelled speech. Teachers are now required to repeat the LGBTQ talking points, or they’ll lose their jobs.


Walz (who never lied about his military record, either) has a very specific vision for America. In 2023, he signed a “trans refuge” bill that blocks judges, courts, and law enforcement officials from other states from subpoenaing health information or issuing warrants when it conflicts with a Minnesotan’s “gender-affirming care.” This new law gives Minnesota courts the power to award custody based on which parent will change his/her child’s gender. If you want your boy to be a girl, congratulations: you win!

It's a disturbing escalation. Under Minnesota law, “gender-affirming care” can include hormones, puberty blockers, plastic surgery, breast removal, and other lifelong, permanent treatments on a minor — even if one of the parents disagrees. 

Even if the other doctors disagree. 

Even if another state’s court disagrees!

Tim Walz knows what’s best. (Again, this is totally normal.)

Related: The Seduction of Kamala Harris: How the Democrats Are Attracting Voters

Walz also signed a bill that requires the boys’ bathrooms in Minnesota’s public schools — from grades 4 through 12 — to provide access to menstrual products to any “menstruating boy” who needs them. It’s how he earned the nickname “Tampon Tim.” 


This isn’t education; it’s indoctrination. Tim Walz and the Democrats are after your kids. And if Kamala Harris wins, the Minnesota model is about to go national.

In the old days, we had the three Rs — reading, writing, and arithmetic. But not anymore. 

After all, there’s no R in LGBTQ.


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