[Video] 7 Ways Boehner & McConnell Fight Obama Like Obama Fights Wars

VIDEO SCRIPT: I’m Scott Ott, and here’s a thought.

It suddenly struck me today that Boehner and McConnell fight Obama just like Obama fights wars. Republicans in Congress use the same strategy and tactics against the Democratic president, that our Commander in Chief uses overseas.


Because this approach has become so popular among the rich and powerful, I thought you might want to try it. So, I boiled it down to 7 quick tips.

1. Draw red lines: Use bellicose rhetoric to let your base know that you’re serious about sounding serious.

2. Cave in when those lines get crossed: If you avoid invoking consequences, it saves you from having to do what you said you would.

3. Announce deadlines in advance: It’s only fair to tell your adversary how long he has to wait until he wins.

4. Fight if you must, but only to blaze a path for withdrawal: The objective of battle, after all, is to seize the moral high ground as the loser, because everybody resents a winner.

5. Use high-altitude sniping to avoid close combat: Low risk shots at high-value targets can win today’s news cycle, without the risk of triggering a more significant battle that you don’t have guts to win.


6. Blame your allies for failure: If you don’t, then people might think it was your fault, and that doesn’t feel good.

7. Take effective tactics off the table: Make sure your opponent knows exactly what you’re not willing to do in order to win.

That’s it. Scott Ott’s quick demonstration that Boehner and McConnell fight Obama like Obama fights wars.

Seven quick tips for snatching shame from the jaws of glory.

I’m Scott Ott, and there’s a thought.


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