Come back, Aristophanes: Baldwin Tells Spitzer (!) the Actor's "Interested" in Political Run

Just when you thought black comedy was in decline… or maybe even decomposed…. it came lumbering back from the dead on CNN’s Parker Spitzer Show:


So unfolds the latest chapter in Alec Baldwin’s ongoing flirtation with public office: The “30 Rock” actor told CNN’s Eliot Spitzer that he’s “very interested” in a political run.

Of course, Baldwin knows there are plenty of obstacles in his way: He loves acting and his current state of New York is flooded with established political players.

“It’s something that I’m very, very interested in,” said Baldwin in an interview set to air Wednesday night. He said what he wants to see from elected leaders is “people who have not lost sight about what the middle class in this country is.” And, despite his fame and success, he says that “whatever I’ve accrued in my career doing that, it hasn’t changed me as a person.”

Alec hasn’t changed as a person? Okay, then, I’ve got a great idea for a campaign ad. How about this?

Well, on second thought, maybe not.

But maybe he could get Spitzer’s recommendation. Baldwin’s not the only movie star.


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