Letterman and business as usual

PoliwoodLettermanLionel and I mull over the Letterman Affair and other matters on the new Poliwood.

Meanwhile, it’s “business as usual” at the United Nations (and CNN) as the (again) “usual suspects” are accusing Robert Micheletti and the interim government in Honduras of the over-use of unnamed “mercenaries”:


The experts noted that the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries is prohibited under the International Convention on the issue, which Honduras has signed. The panel was established in 2005 by the Commission on Human Rights, which has since been succeeded by the Human Rights Council.

It consists of five members: Shaista Shameem of Fiji, Najat al-Hajjaji of Libya, Amada Benavides de Perez of Colombia, Jose Luis Gomez del Prado of Spain and Alexander Nikitin of Russia.

Yes, indeed. For those of you who missed it, the UN Commission on Human Rights has become the UN Human Rights Council. “Four legs good, two legs bad,” as a wise man once said.

But speaking of wise men, who is “David Kahane,” the pseudonymous Hollywood writer posting on The Corner? I have my suspicion, but I won’t tell.


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