Washington Tea Party and related CPAC matters

I’m on my way (circuitously) home from my first CPAC. [I bet you never thought you’d be attending such an event.-ed. You bet. I also never thought I’d been sitting on a panel next to David Horowitz, addressing an audience of some 3500… tempus fugit, as they say… but it’s been “fugiting” for some time.] Anyway, for most of CPAC I was functioning in my head honcho capacity at PJTV/Pajamas Media, so I didn’t get to see many of the events – other than Friday night Reagan banquet, which featured barely-edible sea bass, but good speeches by Gov. Mark Sanford and Stephen Balch.


But, as I said, my attention was focused on PJTV and I, biased though I may be, I have to give us high marks. Our second day program was particularly good, I think (brag?). You can see it here free. That’s the long version. Shorter segments are available at pjtv.com, including our new conservative version of The View called “Washington Tea Party. Don’t miss it. It features a whole lot of women you know (M. Malkin, Dr. Helen Smith, etc.) , one of whom is Jeri Thompson with her husband The Tennessean as a guest. Fun. Kellyanne Conway did a superb job as moderator. Please give us your feedback to this and other shows. We’re getting pretty serious about this Pajamas TV thing – and we have drastically reduced the subscription price to “recession levels.” ($5/mo. or $3/mo. student)


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