With all the dumb lipstick talk over the last day, I couldn’t get the old Connie Francis song out of my head. Lipstick on you collar told a tale on you/Lipstick on you collar said you were untrue/Bet your bottom dollar you and I are through/Cuz lipstick on you collar told a tale on you, yeah.
Lipstick on Barack’s collar indeed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sillier spectacle during a political campaign than the entire media consumed with the question of whether Barack Obama meant to insult Sarah Palin about pigs and lipstick. Who cares? Obama evidently because, to compound matters, he appeared on Letterman, of all places,to set matters straight. Jennifer Rubin wonders if he’s gone stark raving mad. I don’t know if I’d go that far, but the whole episode is pretty bizarre.
Meanwhile, in the fever swamps, some woman almost none of us ever heard of, Carol Fowler, the Democratic Chairwoman of South Carolina, got her fifteen Warhol minutes by taking the most idiotic pot shot at Palin today… or at least in the last hour… before making her peurile apology.
Is this what we have to look forward to in the next two months? What about substance? What about the issues? [Issues? We’ve all heard that stuff four hundred and fifty times before. From both sides!-ed. You want to sit through another discussion of health care? I know what you mean.] Okay, no issues. But what are we going to do to avoid terminal boredom? Even Palin will lose her excitement in another few days. This could really get dull. We don’t even have John Edwards to kick around. [Maybe we should let the anarchist protesters be in the debates.-ed. Hmm… interesting idea… Just, please, no Ron Paul or Ralph Nader! Hey, I’m not a sadist.-ed. No, but you’re my editor. That’s worse.]
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