An Olympics Suggesition from

Remember the old Apple ad about “What’s on your iBook?” Well, be prepared to reveal all if you’re going to the Olympics. As USA Today notes:


Equipment left unsupervised for just minutes in a hotel or even during a security screening can be hacked, mined and bugged, adds Larry Wortzel, who chairs the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a federal panel that monitors China-related security issues for Congress. China’s government also controls Internet service providers and wireless networks, he says, so computers and PDAs can be monitored and planted with bugs remotely, too.

“There is a high likelihood – virtually 100% – that if an individual is of security, political, or business interest to Chinese ‚Ķ security services or high technology industries, their electronics can and will be tampered with or penetrated,” Wortzel says.

So if you’re planning on heading to Beijing for the Games, make sure you have a good password on your computer. You know–one of those complicated guys with a lot of letters and numbers like 3f85j&fp1z!84r. Got it? I know, it’s a little hard to remember and you might lock yourself out of your own computer. So maybe it’s better to keep simple. Use the “hide in plain sight” method, something real obvious like “passkey.” [No, no, no, that’s crazy. The Chinese will figure that out in a minute.-ed] Okay, okay. I see what you mean. What we really need is a password that’s sort of obvious but not too obvious. Maybe one that’s been used before, but not for a long time. I’ve got it. [Hey, c’mon, we all know a password’s not going to help anything going to help anything anyway.-ed. It didn’t help Harpo either.]



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