Thin-blooded Californian Headed East into the Freezing Land of Electoral Madness

More specifically, New Hampshire- where the predicted high for Manchester Thursday has gone up from a frigid 11 to a balmy 15 (low of 2). Reason this spoiled California brat is making the migration: on that very Thursday (simultaneous with the Iowa caucuses) Claudia Rosett and I will be conducting video interviews in NH for Pajamas Media with two presidential candidates in one day – Messrs. McCain and Giuliani. The subject, as it was with Fred Thompson, is the War on Terror. Andrew Marcus, as usual, will be doing the producing.


If the smart readers of this blog have any questions they would like asked, feel free to leave them below. I could use your help. Tomorrow I will be on the plane, trying to think up a few of my own. At this point in the campaign, it’s not easy to come up with fresh ones.


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