Grumpikuss - polls go lower and lower

Just when you thought they couldn’t go any lower, approval ratings for Bush and the Congress have hit another round of new lows to 24 and 11 percent respectively. As for the Congress’ rating, you’d think you could get 11 percent simply from people mishearing the question. “Do you approve of the way the Congress is working?” “Say what?” “I asked do you approve?” “If you say so.”


I am in Washington where you’d think you could smell this malaise in the air. But you can’t. I arrived barely in time to catch a few minutes of the Republican Jewish Coalition’s candidate show at the Grand Hyatt. The Fredster was up as the last of the speakers at four in the afteroon, but still there were a fair amount of political junkies hanging around. They had been at it since seven in the morning, I later learned, when the candidate’s wives were talking to women’s groups. The long day continued as I moved on to a party for the launch of XM’s P.O.T.U.S.’08 Channel on which PJM has a weekly show. A lot of jokes were made about how the channel would be providing twenty-four hours a day of campaign coverage for an already stultified public. I went on from there to dinner at the Ledeens where we discussed… politics.


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