Pelosi Implodes at the Gate

I thought for a moment I was reading the name Bush and not Pelosi in the New York Times’ editorial headline of today: Speaker Pelosi Tempts Disaster. The editorial states: But Ms. Pelosi’s damage to herself was already done. The well-known shortcomings of Mr. Murtha were broadcast for all to see – from his quid-pro-quo addiction to moneyed lobbyists to the grainy government tape of his involvement in the Abscam scandal a generation ago. The resurrected tape – feasted upon by Pelosi enemies – shows how Mr. Murtha narrowly survived as an unindicted co-conspirator, admittedly tempted but finally rebuffing a bribe offer: “I’m not interested – at this point.”


I don’t recall The Times referencing Murtha’s “checkered” past when the Congressnitwit was opining about Iraq. But never mind. At least they’re doing it now.


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