Ouija Board Operating

Some have inquired in the comments to a previous post if there was a ouija board operating in my house the other day. Hard to say. I didn’t see one with my own eyes. One time when I went into my kitchen to make coffee, however, I heard some of the following coming from the living room. I think it was a someone named Angleton (?) talking in a distant voice about security matters with my guest who apparently believes in ghosts:


JJA: It wasn’t illegal, first of all. How could it have been? The “information” wasn’t proprietary, and it wasn’t secret. The data came from newspapers and magazines, they just analyzed it, and apparently they analyzed it quite well. There was no legality that prevented them from pointing out the significance of the data to anyone – law enforcement or Army cook. It’s just nonsense. Some prissy lawyer in the JAG undoubtedly lectured these guys about spreading sensitive information, but at the end of the day, that wasn’t decisive. Their superiors blocked the analysis for a much more important reason: It didn’t fit with what the policymakers wanted to believe.

ML: I think I understand. You’re saying that Clinton, Berger, and the others didn’t want to have to act against terrorist groups inside the United States, so the system didn’t send them information…


JJA: That would have compelled them to take action. It’s very bad for your career to tell the policymakers things they don’t want to hear. But don’t personalize this: It wasn’t just Clinton, Berger, and the others around them; it went on for decades. Even Reagan basically didn’t want to do anything about terrorism. It goes back a long time.


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