Ivy Leaguers Not So Dumb After All

I am really proud of my alma mater Dartmouth College today — and not because they recently banned hard liquor on campus.  (That has its pluses and minuses.) From The Daily Mail:


If Dartmouth College students have the same inflated influence on presidential politics that they’ve traditionally enjoyed, Hillary Clinton has some long days ahead in New Hampshire.

Of a randomly selected group of 50 students who said they followed presidential politics enough to comment, just nine told Daily Mail Online that the former secretary of state would make a good U.S. chief executive.

Hillary’s detractors were far more passionate than her fans – a potential problem since she needs a repeat of her grassroots-driven upset 2008 victory here in order to solidify her status as the Democrats’ standard-bearer.

Stacey Benton, a government major from Florida who leans Republican, said a President Hillary Clinton is ‘just going to continue a lot of things Obama has been doing.’

‘There hasn’t been much good in Obama’s foreign policy,’ Benton added.

She called Clinton ‘grizzled’ from a life in politics and said that ‘just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she should be president.’

Bravo, Stacey, and bravo, Dartmouth.  Maybe those high SAT scores mean something after all.  It also could be that after years of tedious Boomer BS, undergraduates are starting to wake up and rebel in the opposite direction.  That’s what youth does.  (BTW, this is a small poll but on a percentage basis of the Dartmouth community not so small.)  The Daily Mail continues:


Twenty-two of the 50 Dartmouth students interviewed on Sunday mentioned the deadly 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya as a black mark on Clinton’s record.

Many of them, like freshman Cameron Poole, weren’t old enough to drive when it happened.

‘I think there was blood on her hands,’ Poole told Daily Mail Online, referring to Clinton’s handling of an Islamist terror group’s military-style assault that laid waste to a State Department facility.

It seems like she wants the job more than she would be good at it.
Dartmouth College student Robert Stackhouse on Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions

He said he believes Clinton’s performance before, during and after should disqualify her from holding higher office.

Indeed, as Monsieur Reynolds would say.


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