In the latest Poliwood – Atlas gets Shrugged off: what can we learn – Lionel Chetwynd and I try not to beat a dead, or dying, horse and offer up what we hope is some constructive criticism regarding the Atlas Shrugged movie. Making films is hard. We know because we’ve made more than our share of bad ones, at least I have (won’t speak for Lionel here). But the truth is, as I say on the show, conservatives (or libertarians or Ayn Randians) have to be better than liberals in film in order to succeed and get their messages through. It’s not fair – but that’s the way it is. So much as we could have pretended to like Atlas Shrugged because its intentions are good, that would be a poor strategy in the long run. Have a look at the new Poliwood and see if you agree with us.
POLIWOOD: Atlas gets Shrugged off: What can we learn?
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