Anne Bayefsky – more than anyone – is fighting the good fight against the pervasive, pathological anti-Semitism in the United Nations. From today’s Jerusalem Post, “How much anti-Semitism is too much anti-Semitism?“:
By the end of a year of double-standards, discrimination and hate-mongering 80 percent of all 2010 General Assembly resolutions criticizing specific countries for human rights violations were directed at the Jewish state. Only six of the remaining 191 UN member states faced human rights criticism at all, one of which was the US. And now half of the country-specific condemnatory resolutions and decisions ever adopted by the UN Human Rights Council target Israel.
THIS YEAR will be worse, as UN headquarters prepares to host the first summit of “heads of state and government” on racism in September. “Durban 3,” named after its notorious 2001 namesake that took place in Durban, South Africa, is aimed at “mobilizing political will…for the full and effective implementation of the Durban Declaration.” This declaration charges Israel with racism and names no other state.
Read the whole thing – but be sure to have some Maalox at hand.
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