This is one of the coolest photos I’ve seen in some time. As reported by VOA,“Witnesses say Syrian intelligence agents in the Lebanese capital have begun evacuating their headquarters, one day after a massive protest in Beirut aimed at ending Syria’s military presence in the country.
Syrian agents were reported loading equipment onto pickup trucks under the supervision of Lebanese police.
Talk about beating a hasty retreat. Wouldn’t you love to get a hold of those cardboard boxes? Also amusing from the VOA article:
In other developments, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak paid an unscheduled visit to Damascus today, for talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that diplomats say focused on the Syrian withdrawal.
UPDATE: Here’s more on the Syrian Intelligence demarche:
Witnesses said two pick-up trucks were being loaded at Syrian intelligence headquarters in the Lebanese capital’s Ramlet al-Baida district, Reuters reported.
Pictures of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his late father, former President Hafez Assad, were taken down from around the building as a road leading to the area was cut off, Reuters said.
Maybe they’ll turn up on Ebay.
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