Crow, Eating It

Well,as of 12:10 a.m. on November 7, it certainly appears I got this one wrong.  By “this one,” of course, I mean the presidential election. I’ve thought since the summer that Mitt Romney would win.  And after the debates, after the sullen, petulant, negative performance of Barack Obama these last weeks — to say nothing of his abysmal performance as President these last four years — I thought that Mitt Romney would surely win.  Moreover, I thought that the American people would rise up as one and pick the person who had a vision of a freer, more prosperous, more confident America.  It looks like I was wrong.


I’ll have more to say about the election in days to come. To say that I am disappointed strains the boundaries of understatement.  I am more than disappointed: I am astonished, incredulous, almost. We’re in for a wild ride now, that’s for sure.  It will take me some time to digest what just happened.


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