
Biden Claims Secret Service Told Him It’s Too Dangerous to Go Out in Crowds. Dangerous in What Way?

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

It’s late in the day to play the game of “What Did Old Joe Biden Mean By That?,” but on Tuesday, the alleged president, returning from yet another lengthy vacation, made the world play another round anyway. He stopped by a gaggle of reporters outside the White House long enough to deliver an oracular pronouncement that has the learned pundits throughout our fair land scratching their heads in puzzlement. It must mean something, but what exactly the senescent corruptocrat did mean is anybody’s guess. Yet none of the available possibilities are good.

Old Joe was asked, “Mr. President! How was it to be back on the campaign trail today?” Biden had just appeared, to the joy and gratitude of absolutely no one on this planet (or any other inhabited world), at a Kamala Harris event in Pittsburgh, where he delivered the predictable garbled mélange of angrily shouted lies, half-truths, and straight-up incoherent ramblings.

And so to the question of how it was to be out campaigning again, Old Joe mumbled, “Wellitwasgood.” The questioner then followed up with “How do you feel about Pennsylvania?” but the putative chief executive had other issues on his mind.

Turning back and walking toward the reporter, Old Joe said: “‘Cept I’m not able to go out into crowds anymore.” He said something completely unintelligible and then added, “The Secret Service doesn't let me." The reporter gamely followed up with, “Yeah? Why not?” Biden replied: “Because they say it’s too dangerous. No one gets to go out.” Instead of asking the garrulous old liar why it was too dangerous, the reporter then asked him again how he felt about Pennsylvania. 

It was a missed opportunity. What Biden thinks about Pennsylvania doesn’t matter. The key question is the one the reporter ignored: why has the Secret Service told Old Joe that it’s too dangerous for him to go out among crowds? Did it really tell him that at all? After eight years of hysterical charges and wildly overheated rhetoric about Donald Trump, it’s easy to see why some thoroughly programmed young leftist would want to kill him. But Old Joe Biden? Come on, man! Certainly in these days of culturally ascendant leftism, the country is full to the brim with psychopaths and deviants of all sorts, but among all their potential targets, Biden, a lame-duck president shunted aside by his own party and certain to depart from the scene in four and a half months at the latest, can’t be high on the list. 

Also, Kamala Harris is still out on the campaign trail. So is Donald Trump, even after Secret Service ineptitude (at best) led to him nearly being killed at a campaign event. Old Joe is thus clearly not telling the truth when he says that “no one gets to go out.” Apparently it’s only he who doesn’t get to go out.

The reason for that must be the fact that physical danger is not the only kind of danger there is. Was Old Joe, in the fog of his dementia, telling the reporter that he was not going to speak before crowds anymore because his angry and confused speeches were only hurting Kamala’s chances of winning the White House? Is letting Biden out in public dangerous for himself, or dangerous for Kamala Harris and the Democrat establishment?

     Related: Now Even the New York Times Wants Biden to Resign 

That seems to be the more likely explanation, but it has a weakness: it doesn’t account for why Biden claimed that “no one gets to go out” now. Could the people who run Joe Biden have been lying to him in order to soften the blow? In this scenario, instead of telling the shoved-aside president that he was a liability for the Harris campaign and thus wasn’t going to be allowed to speak anymore, Biden’s handlers told him that the Secret Service had determined that it was just too dangerous out there, and so he was going to have to spend more time at the beach.

All of these scenarios feature an utter liability in the Oval Office. Americans can only hope that our nation’s enemies don’t notice and decide that this topsy-turvy election season would be a perfect time to make a major move against American interests. What would Old Joe do then? His handlers would likely determine that any firm course of action in defense of the nation and its allies would be “too dangerous.”


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