After Forcing Biden Out, Guess Where Pelosi Wants to Put Him Now

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Give Nancy Pelosi credit for chutzpah. It has been just over two weeks since the infamous former House speaker and octogenarian Democrat power broker played a widely publicized role in forcing Old Joe Biden to end his bid to remain in the White House until he no longer even remembered how to press play on his old “Matlock” DVDs. Now, however, the deed is done, and Pelosi can afford to be gracious in victory: she is recommending, apparently with a straight face, that the Sioux Nation be further outraged by the addition of Old Joe’s cheesy mug to Mount Rushmore.


Pelosi (D-Smirnoff) made the ludicrous recommendation Sunday, asserting that the corrupt and dementia-ridden old kleptocrat has been “such a consequential president of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of president.” Well, sure. If a new section of Mount Rushmore were opened to feature a rogue’s gallery of catastrophically wrongheaded and America-Last presidents, then yeah, Old Joe should be front and center, in the George Washington position, cheek by jowl with Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter.

Of course, that was not what Pelosi had in mind. She was actually claiming that Biden deserved a place among America’s presidential heroes: “You have Teddy Roosevelt up there. And he’s wonderful. I don’t say take him down. But you can add Biden.” It’s unclear why Pelosi would even bring up the possibility of replacing the Rough Rider, who (for all of his virtues) was one of the “progressive” pioneers who began enacting big-government policies that have done so much damage to the nation.

It's even more unclear why Pelosi would believe or at the very least want us to believe that Old Joe has been a great president. He hasn’t even been president at all, as someone else has been pulling his strings, but while he has ostensibly been president, inflation has skyrocketed; the Southern border has become little more than a line on a map; billions of dollars of American weaponry were given to the Taliban and American tax dollars have continued to flow to them; Russia was emboldened to attack Ukraine and Hamas to attack Israel; and the U.S. became a chief financier of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s wars against its own people and against Israel by sending $10 billion to Tehran.


Does Pelosi not know all that? As a chief Washington insider for decades, she knows all about it, and she almost certainly knows much more about Old Joe’s disastrous record, information that you and I don’t know. So there are two possibilities. The most obvious one is that Pelosi, like other Democrat top dogs, is trying to fool the American people into trusting her rather than the evidence of their daily lives. She is trying to make us think that despite all appearances to the contrary, Biden has been a great president, indeed, one of the best ever, and that Kamala Harris will continue his record of success until we reach the stage of pure communism — whoops, scratch that last part; they’re not saying that out loud yet.

It's true: many Americans are distracted with other matters, busy with their own lives, and not consumed with what’s going on in Washington. Pelosi thus clearly thinks that if she and her fellow Democrat apparatchiks repeat this Big Lie often enough, they’ll persuade a good chunk of the electorate to vote for Kamala Harris in order to continue the spotless Biden-Harris record of excellence, even as our once-great nation falls to pieces around their ears.

There is, however, another possibility. It could be that Nancy Pelosi really does believe that Old Joe has been a great president. Irrational factionalism and vodka fog aside, Pelosi could think that galloping inflation, open borders, the betrayal of an ally, and the financing and emboldening of our enemies are all great things. This would require Pelosi to think that a weakened, declining America was a positive good. Is that even conceivable? Of course, it is.


Related: Biden ‘Seething’ At Pelosi As Campaign Chair Insists: ‘Absolutely, the President’s In This Race’

Back during Barack Obama’s first campaign for the presidency in 2008, a wire service photo captured him crossing an airplane tarmac holding CNN’s Fareed Zakaria’s book, “The Post-American World.” Obama was holding his place in the book with his finger as if he didn’t dare put it down and lose his place.

Zakaria described his book this way: “This is not a book about the decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else.” In it, he detailed a scenario that Leftists are doing their best to bring upon America or to which they are endeavoring to draw us back. Zakaria’s ideal world is one in which the United States would “no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures.” Zakaria’s book, in other words, is a manual for America’s decline. 

Throughout his interminable eight years in office, Obama seemed determined to make Zakaria’s “post-American world” a self-fulfilling prophesy. Obama went to work from his first day in office to make Zakaria’s wishful thinking about America’s decline become a reality. If Biden has done anything as president, he has continued America’s decline. Could Nancy Pelosi hold the same vision? Could she think the Biden regime is great precisely because it has harmed America? In pondering those questions, ask yourself: what recent policy that Pelosi has championed actually redounded to the genuine benefit of American citizens?



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