
Resign Already, Joe

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Now that Old Joe Biden has finally thrown in the towel, the most pressing immediate question is: why is this man still president of the United States?

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” Biden’s handlers wrote in his name. “And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country” — note the order of priority — “for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

Whoever wrote this certainly captured the utter gracelessness and incoherence of Old Joe Biden. If he is declining to run again, it’s because he is too firmly in the grip of dementia to mount a spirited and energetic challenge to the man whom Democrats have identified as the focus of evil in the modern world.

If that is true, however, then how is it that Old Joe is about to focus on fulfilling his duties as president? How is it that he is able to focus on anything at all? If he is unable to run for president, he is unable to be president. It really isn’t any more complicated than that.

Old Joe has been a corrupt, dishonest politician since the day he arrived in Washington, just as Richard Nixon was completing his first term as president. It would be refreshing if Biden could, after a long and sorry career that began with his dishonorable savaging of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, and is ending with him repeating long-discredited lies about Donald Trump, do the right and honorable thing, just this once.

Joe Biden should resign from the presidency.

I’m just as appalled by the prospect of a Kamala Harris presidency as the Democrat power brokers clearly are. But those power brokers, after pretending for over three years that Biden was sharp as a tack, saw it all blow up in their faces during the old corruptocrat’s debate with Trump. Now they’re going to have us believe that Old Joe is fully capable of serving as president for the next seven months, at a time of maximum global tension, when nothing short of world war could break out at any time?

We learned in the wake of the debate that Biden goes to bed at 8pm, and that’s after a nice cozy nap in the middle of the day. Reporters have already confronted Karine Jean-Pierre with embarrassing questions about what happens if some major crisis breaks out at, say, 9:30. Are we supposed to believe that now that he will be free from the rigors of a reelection campaign, Biden is going to be the glib old hair-plugged Biden of old, ready to face down Putin — oh, no, wait, that’s Zelensky. 

Biden and the Democrats who have really been in charge all this time should finally stop lying to the American people. Let Biden stay in his taxpayer-funded walled Delaware beach house, and let the people see the caliber of his replacement.

     Related: ‘West Wing’ Creator Has the Nuttiest Idea Yet For a Biden Replacement

Kamala Harris isn’t 81 years old. She is not suffering from dementia. She has no excuse, but there is no question about it: she is not fit to be president of the United States. One reason why Old Joe declined to resign is likely because it will keep the American people from getting a full view of how spectacularly incapable she realty is.

But if she is to be the Democrat nominee, and if the entire political and media establishment is now going to spend the rest of the time before the election trying to convince us that she is the second coming of Joan of Arc, Rosa Parks, and Angela Merkel rolled into one, only more so, then let’s see her in action.

Yes, it’s a great risk, but at this point, what course of action isn’t? At least this is a chance for the left to end its constant lying. The Democrats could undo a bit of the immense damage they’ve done by admitting that they’ve lied about Old Joe all this time, sending him into retirement, and giving the reins to someone who is presumably in full possession of her faculties. Then the American people can get an up-close view of whether she is worthy of four years in the Oval Office on her own.


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