
Trump’s Vow to Clean Out the Deep State and Reform the Federal Bureaucracy Has CNN TERRIFIED

AP Photo/Ron Harris

“What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people,” said Donald Trump in his inaugural address. He vowed to change that all that: “January 20th 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” As it happened, however, an unelected coterie of far-left bureaucrats did all they could to stop Trump from giving the government back to the people. Now he is trying again, and the bureaucrats are determined to stop him again. They’ve sent their propaganda arm, CNN, out to make the American people think that having control of their government is a terrible idea.

The most distrusted name in news on Saturday rolled out a long-winded 2600-word article (for comparison’s sake, this one is 710 words) explaining, with supporting quotes from all sorts of learned far-left “experts,” why it was so appalling that Trump was saying that he would, if he enters the Oval Office again on January 20, 2025, target the federal bureaucracy. And as the CNN article drones on and on in defense of the deep state, it becomes ever more clear why Trump’s housecleaning is urgently needed.

“In essence,” CNN warned darkly, “it’s a declaration of war on the federal government.” This is supposed to scare us, and maybe it does scare CNN’s target audience, but it made me want to stand up and cheer. CNN, and the left in general, are so used to marginalizing and silencing patriotic voices that they have no idea how widespread the distrust and resentment of the federal government has become. They are still clueless about the fact that this is precisely the sort of promise that makes Trump consistently appealing to a large segment of American voters.

As far as CNN is concerned, however, this is all part of Bad Orange Man’s dictatorial ambitions. Trump’s reforms, we are warned, will make the federal government “more beholden to Trump’s whims and worldview.” Uh, yeah, CNN, that’s the idea, and nobody should make any apologies about it. If the American people elect Trump, Trump should be able to implement his agenda. And likewise, if the American people, living and dead, send Old Joe Biden back to Washington to pretend to be president until he is so old and senile that he can barely articulate his own name, his far-left handlers should be able to implement their agenda. If that’s what the people really want, that’s what they should get. The American people should be able to choose their own leaders, and not have a group of unaccountable bureaucrats setting policies and impeding the efforts of a president they dislike.

CNN, however, complains that Trump “seeks to sweep away civil service protections that have been in place for more than 140 years. He has said he’d make ‘every executive branch employee fireable by the president of the United States’ at will.” As if that weren’t Christmasy enough, Trump would dismantle the geographic swamp, “as many as 100,000 positions out of Washington,” and as an extra added bonus, “his plans would eliminate or dismantle entire departments.” That sound you hear in the distance is me applauding wildly.

     Related: Two Former High-Profile Trump Critics Now Admit It: His Foes Are the Real Threat to Democracy

For CNN, however, this is a veritable apocalypse in the making. “Policy experts” — you know, the kind of people who assured us that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” — are afraid that this would “hollow out and politicize the federal workforce, force out many of the most experienced and knowledgeable employees, and open the door to corruption and a spoils system of political patronage.” No. The federal workforce is already politicized. Far-left bureaucrats implement their own agenda regardless of who is in the White House, and no one can vote them out or fire them. 

This has to stop, and Trump is determined to stop it, saying: “I will immediately reissue my 2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. And I will wield that power very aggressively.” Not surprisingly, a group of bureaucrats is upset about this, and according to CNN, they claim that it could “cause long-term damage to one of the key institutions of our government.” Hey, we can hope!


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