Man Wearing Hijab and Lipstick Insists: ‘I am Muslim. Not a Fake Woman.’

AP Photo/Jordi Perdigo

What did anyone expect would be the outcome of teaching young people to hate their own culture and heritage? The Islam craze that began with brainless young TikTokers reading Osama bin Laden’s 2002 letter to America and praising it for its anti-Americanism and Jew-hatred is showing no signs of abating, even as it ventures ever more deeply into the flood waters of abject absurdity. 


The latest specimen of that absurdity is bespectacled fellow wearing bright red lipstick and a full hijab. In a video that began circulating Tuesday, he responds to critical messages in a voice that he does his level best to keep soft and delicate. “Salaam, everyone,” he begins, and points to a message that reads, “why they [sic; there is only one guy in the video, but no one knows how to use pronouns in this mad, mad age] cosplaying a female Muslim.” It’s a pertinent question, as the man in this video looks as if he had lived in a saner and healthier culture, he could have been a lumberjack or a steelworker. 

He answers: “I just gotta ask, who’s cosplaying? See, cosplaying is when you dress up as something that you aren’t, or someone you aren’t.” Attempting, while maintaining his quiet voice, a tone of outraged defiance, he continued: “I am a Muslim woman. I wear what a Muslim woman wears. I dress like that. So who’s cosplaying here?” You are, buddy, but it looks as if you have already gone well beyond any rational appeal, and entered the realm of fantasy and delusion so comprehensively that you may never get out.


And so he moves on to another message: “You can’t be Muslim and a fake women [sic]!!! Lol might want to read the torah! Just quit.” What the reference to the Torah, which is holy to Jews but not to Muslims, is all about is unclear, but in any case, the hijab-wearing man answers: “One, I am Muslim. Two, not a fake woman, I’m a real woman, just as any woman out there.” He goes on to insist: “We should have access to health care, we should have, you know, access to our surgeries, therapists, hormones, other gender-affirming care, for everybody, no matter the age.” So he’s a real woman, as much as any woman, but he needs surgeries, therapists, and hormones to make that clear to the world.

Then, with an air of satisfaction as if he has hit upon a game-changing argument clincher, he says: “Let me ask you this: how do we classify sports? We classify them between men and women. Not male and female.” This is a tacit admission that he himself is a biological male, even as he insists that he is a woman. So how would his hijab and newfound Islamic faith go over in Tehran, Riyadh, or Gaza City?

It is likely that he himself thinks that he would be received with joy and hospitality, welcomed as an “ally” in the struggle against oppression. We live in an absurd age, and the ridiculous has become commonplace. This fellow is just a symptom of a much larger malady. He has been told for decades that Islam is peace and tolerance, and that those who say otherwise are racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” He has seen Muslims play a key role in the Left’s coalition. So he assumes that Islam and Sharia are fully compatible with his trans madness. If he travels to a Sharia state, he will be in for a multitude of rude awakenings, but the only people who will tell him that are those whom he would dismiss as “racists” and “Islamophobes.”


Related: Leftists and Antisemites Are Discovering That Islam Is Just the Thing for Them

A hadith depicts Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Lot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’” (Sunan Abu Dawud 4462) The “action of the people of Lot” is refers to homosexuality. In many Sharia-adherent societies today, homosexual activity is punishable by death, in accord with Muhammad’s words, and wearing a hijab and insisting you’re a real woman won’t get you off the hook.

The left today is addicted to fantasy. Men can become women and vice versa, there will be no adverse consequences from skyrocketing inflation or unrestricted mass migration, Old Joe Biden is a capable and competent president — the delusions just keep coming. Reality, however, has a tendency to crash through even the most persistent fantasies, often in a manner that the fantasists will find unpleasant. If this guy does go to a Sharia-adherent country, he’ll find that out firsthand.


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