Now EVERYBODY Hates Bud Light

(AP Photo/Gene Puskar, File)

Our deeply divided nation is reunited at last! We cannot agree on whether dismembering children in the womb is a monstrous crime or a basic human right. We can’t agree on whether men can become champion female swimmers. We certainly will never agree on whether a jaw-droppingly corrupt kleptocrat deep in the throes of dementia should even have gotten near the Oval Office. We argue over whether the Founding Fathers were slaveowners to be despised or visionaries of freedom to be revered. But there is one thing we do agree on: we all loathe Bud Light.


The patriots’ rejection of Bud Light after it brought on the transcendently obnoxious fake woman Dylan Mulvaney as its frontman has been remarkably effective. By April 22, Bud Light sales had dropped over 26%. Overnight, a beer that was practically ubiquitous became synonymous with the authoritarian Left’s efforts to force all Americans to accept its increasingly revolting agenda. The King of Beers became the Drag Queen of Beers, “tranny fluid” that no one but other half-men like Mulvaney himself would dare to drink in public or private.

And initially, Leftist half-men did rally around a beer that ordinarily most of them would have scorned. On April 15, far-Left Congressman Ted Lieu (D-California SSR) tweeted an embarrassingly staged photo of himself holding a Bud Light as if he were a space alien who had never held an earth object before. Standing with him, supposedly engaged in casual conversation and also holding cans of Bud Light, albeit a trifle less gingerly, were three of Lieu’s Golden State colleagues: Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Get Trump), Judy Chu (D-Workers’ Paradise), and Mark Takano (D-Newsomland).

Lieu wrote no caption for the pic, but the message was clear: the Leftist elites stand with men who think they’re women. The Leftist elites want you to stop complaining, accept men who think they’re women, and drink your Bud Light happily. No doubt to the consternation of Anheuser-Busch executives, however, the endorsement of four representatives who make V. I. Lenin look like an America-First free market capitalist didn’t stop the freefall of Bud Light’s sales. And so finally, weeks after the whole brouhaha began, Anheuser-Busch did what it should have done in the first place: it backed away, ever so cautiously but nonetheless unmistakably, from Dylan Mulvaney.


If Anheuser-Busch hoped that its false claim that its involvement with Mulvaney was limited to just “one single can” of Bud Light would make the whole thing finally blow over, it was in for a rude awakening. Backing away from Mulvaney, even as halfheartedly as Anheuser-Busch did it, only raised the hackles of the brand’s newly-minted Leftist supporters. You won’t find Ted Lieu repeating his act of holding a bottle of Bud Light as if it were a land mine, or holding one in any other way, anytime soon.

Jay Brown, a senior vice president at the Human Rights Campaign, which has gotten millions of dollars from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and strong-arms corporations into supporting the LGBTQWTF agenda, whined: “In this moment, it is absolutely critical for Anheuser-Busch to stand in solidarity with Dylan and the trans community. However, when faced with anti-LGBTQ+ and transphobic criticism, Anheuser-Busch’s actions demonstrate a profound lack of fortitude in upholding its values of diversity, equity, and inclusion to employees, customers, shareholders, and the LGBTQ+ community.”

Related: Anheuser-Busch Finally Backs Away From Dylan Mulvaney, but Not Far Enough

Stacy Lentz, a co-owner of the Stonewall Inn, where the modern gay rights movement began, raged that Anheuser-Busch had “missed an opportunity to stand by their commitment to the trans community by pandering to and giving into transphobic outcries.” She warned that “as a brand they will be extinct in a few years if they are not fully on the side of equality.” The Advocate was likewise enraged: “Rather than come to the defense of a transgender woman, rather than defend a noble campaign that sought to reflect acceptance, and rather than let the campaign with Mulvaney speak for itself, Anheuser-Busch poured alcohol all over an extremist’s fire, and that will continue to singe our community.” Ominously, The Advocate added: “It’s not Kid Rock and Ted Nugent who should be boycotting Bud Light. It should be us.”


And so that’s that: nobody likes Bud Light now. Patriots who are sick of having the Left’s depravity, perversity, and delusion forced upon them will continue to shun it. And now Leftists who are enraged that the brand didn’t sit back indifferently as its sales nosedived because of Mulvaney will avoid it as well. The unity of Americans is a marvelous thing to behold.

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