Curtains for The Cackler? Washington Post Is ‘Worried’ About Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Abbie Parr

Many observers have noted that the sudden revelations about Old Joe Biden’s storing classified documents in his garage indicate that the people who are really running President Dementia’s administration have grown tired of their frontman. Even the New York Times recently signaled that it was ready to move on from Joe with a more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger lamentation about how much the documents scandal damaged the superannuated president’s future prospects. But the same elites don’t seem to be exactly thrilled with Kamala Harris, either. The Washington Post confirmed that on Monday with an article entitled “Some Democrats are worried about Harris’s political prospects,” which means that it’s the Bezos Post that’s worried. The subtitle? “At a pivotal point in Biden’s term, many party activists are not sure the vice president has shown she is up to winning the top job.” Looks like it’s curtains for The Cackler.


The WaPo article opens with one Jacquelyn Bettadapur, who is presented as a Democrat mover and shaker in Georgia and who is “worried about the political prospects of the woman positioned to be President Biden’s heir — Vice President Harris.” But the real problem is (you guessed it!) those evil, unscrupulous, heartless Republicans who are always so ready, in the Left’s mythology, to “pounce” on the honest mistakes of every patriotic, hard-working, selfless, well-meaning Democrat: “People are poised to pounce on anything,” complains Bettadapur. “Any misstep, any gaffe, anything she says — and so she’s probably not getting the benefit of the doubt.”

Yeah, that’s Kamala Harris’ problem. Folks just aren’t giving her the benefit of the doubt. And the unfavorable coverage from the relentlessly Republican mainstream media doesn’t help. Democrats, Bettadapur continued, “don’t know enough about what she’s doing.” After laying it on that thick, the Post does give us one small hint that Harris’ problems may — just may – be self-inflicted. Bettadapur says: “It doesn’t help that she’s not adept as a communicator.” The Post softened this a bit by adding “that” in brackets before “adept,” but let’s have it straight. Bettadapur’s unedited words are more accurate: Harris is not adept as a communicator.

In fact, it’s even worse than that. In her two years as vice president, Harris has made it abundantly clear that she simply isn’t very bright. If you’re unconvinced of this, check out Harris expatiating upon the passage of time, or informing us that prices have gone up. Recall that in November 2021, Harris interrupted a NASA presenter who was discussing “climate adaptation strategies” to ask, “Can you, can you measure, um, trees?” By way of explanation, she plowed on: “‘Cause part of that data that you are referring to, and it’s in EJ, environmental justice — that you can also track by race their averages in terms of the number of trees in the neighborhood where people live.”


Harris was here reflecting her belief in the socialist race-baiting myth that trees are distributed in a racist manner, which completely ignores both the urban rich and the rural poor. And there is, of course, more racism than just that. As far as Kamala Harris herself is concerned, anyone who notices that she isn’t all that bright is simply, you guessed it, a racist. According to a December 2021 piece in the New York Times, “Ms. Harris has privately told her allies that the news coverage of her would be different if she were any of her 48 predecessors, all of whom were white and male.”

Of course. That’s it. People are only concerned about her manifest incompetence because of racism and sexism. But now the Washington Post has made skepticism about Harris mainstream on the Left. It invoked Democrat strategists saying that “Harris’s tenure has been underwhelming,” noting that it has been “marked by struggles as a communicator and at times near-invisibility, leaving many rank-and-file Democrats unpersuaded that she has the force, charisma and skill to mount a winning presidential campaign.”

To be sure, the Post hasn’t picked up on the signals from its fellow propagandists at the Times, and so it’s still touting Biden for 2024: “If he seeks reelection as expected, she would be a central part of the campaign, making it a high-stakes dress rehearsal for her own potential bid in 2028.” On the other hand, “if Biden steps aside, she would instantly move to center stage as his potential successor, facing the heightened attacks and scrutiny that accompany such a role.”


Related: What Does Joe Biden Really Think of Kamala Harris? Now We Know

Even those who love her don’t think Harris is up to the challenge. An unnamed “South Carolina Democratic strategist says that “every fiber in my body wants her to be president; everything I’ve ever fought for is for someone like her to be president,” but “I don’t know that she has what it takes to get over the hump in our present environment.” The Post notes that even Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Heap Big Chief) was slow to give Harris an unqualified endorsement, even as she said that she supports Old Joe running again in 2024.

When you’ve lost the New York Times and the Washington Post, you’ve lost the Left. It looks as if the Dems are readying two new Marxists for the top spots in 2024.


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