Kamala Harris Seizes the Crown of 'Worst Presidential Candidate in History' From Hillary Clinton

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

In the end, it wasn't even close.

As bad a candidate for president as Hillary Clinton proved to be, Kamala Harris has surpassed Crooked Hillary for ineptitude, incompetence, and inadequacy on the campaign trail. 


From her incoherent word salads to her puddle-sized understanding of the issues, Harris is dumber than Hillary, more boring than Hillary, and, ultimately, far more dangerous to the future of the United States and the world than Hillary Clinton.

This is not an exaggeration. After putting her up for president, the Democrats should be arrested for impersonating a political party. Unvetted by the electorate, Kamala Harris was manufactured in a media lab, probably at Columbia but the evidence is lacking. She's a Frankenstein monster whose personae have been carefully assembled, piece by piece, to reflect an America that doesn't exist except in the fever dreams of left-wing radicals.

Certainly, as far as the Democrats are concerned, she's a dream come true. She checks off three — count 'em, three — "identity boxes." She's a woman, she's black, and she's Asian. That trifecta of identities alone is worth 50 million votes.

Indeed, she can be all things to all people. She's a fierce abortion advocate  — a terror to fetuses the world over. She's compassionate to all, as proved by her willingness to spend trillions of other people's money for the poor, the downtrodden, and favored billionaires and large corporations of the Democratic Party.


Roger Kimball, one of my favorite ex-PJ Media writers, agrees with me.


Harris is outspending Trump by about three to one. But the cash is not moving the needle. Someone else is always to blame. Her campaign workers. That meanie Bret Baier, who had the temerity to ask her real questions. Villain number one, of course, is Donald Trump, whom Harris regularly describes as “Hitler,” “a fascist,” the single greatest threat to “democracy” the world has ever seen.  

No thinking person believes it. If you say “there are a lot of unthinking people about,” I would agree. But that only prompts the observation that the efficient cause of Kamala Harris’ defeat will be – Kamala Harris. She is the single worst candidate for president from any party in the history of the Republic.

How bad is Harris? The proof is in plain sight. I propose a game to show how truly awful Harris is compared to any other candidates for president in history. Name a heavily Democratic city where Harris is tanking by a historic amount.

Fox News:

The new poll, released Saturday morning, shows Harris leading Trump by 66% to 27% among registered voters, still a substantial lead but a major decline, judging by President Biden’s 76% to 23% win over Trump in the deep blue city in 2020.

If it holds, it would represent the worst showing for a Democratic presidential candidate in [New York City] since 1988, according to The New York Times. 


In 2016, Hillary Clinton ignored Trump's threat to the Democrats' "Blue Wall" states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania until it was far too late. In 2024, Harris has stumbled to close the deal in all three of those states despite massive advantages in registration, money, and the support of unions. It is a telling example of Harris's fundamental weakness not only as a presidential candidate but as a Democratic candidate in what should be her own backyard.

Trump hasn't run a great campaign. He strays off message far too much and needlessly antagonizes people. But he's more than likely to win because of Kamala Harris's inability to define herself or her goals if she were elected.

Congratulations, Ms. Harris. Hillary will send your crown as "Worst Presidential Candidate in History" in the mail, probably C.O.D.


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