NYC COVID Czar Set Up 'Drug-Fueled Sex Parties' And Bragged About Breaking Social Distancing Rules

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Steven Crowder ("Louder With Crowder") has been getting around lately. He recently released part of the Covenant school shooter's "manifesto," which resulted in calls for a boycott of his podcast. 


Now Crowder and his undercover unit, MugClub, have struck pay dirt. A video sting involving New York City's Senior Advisor for Public Health and "COVID Czar" Dr. Jay Varma, detailed some of his fun activities during the COVID lockdown of 2020.

Varma and his wife set up sex parties with about 10 other people. It was "like just being naked with friends,” he said.

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it... I was running the entire COVID response for the city… we rented a hotel... we all took like, you know, molly [Ecstasy/MDMA]… 8 to 10 of us were in a room..."

Varfma also went to "underground dance parties" with more than 200 people. This at a time that Varma was telling New Yorkers "to wear masks and avoid large gatherings." New York City schools were "abruptly closed beginning in March 2020. Indoor dining in restaurants was forbidden. Masking indoors in public places was mandatory," the New York Times reminds us.

"In those private conversations that were secretly recorded, spliced, diced, and taken out of context, I referred to events that transpired four years ago," Varma explained to WINS in a statement Thursday. "Between April 2020 - May 2021, I participated in two private gatherings. I take responsibility for not using the best judgment at the time."


Crowder confronted Varma and asked him several pointed questions about the lockdowns.

Crowder ‘unexpectedly’ confronted Varma, who was more concerned that he was “set up” rather than the lives his policies ruined. This only confirmed what you likely knew, which is that COVID policies had nothing to do with “the science” and everything to do with political science.

“At what point is there some accountability for people?” Crowder asked. “This city is not what it was.”

When asked if he would do it all over again, he cried victim for being blindsided.

“Is de Blasio a weenie because he didn't enforce more authoritarian measures or is he a weenie because he didn't stand up to the teachers union who irreparably harmed children?” Crowder asked.

Varma played the victim to perfection. 

"Unfortunately, I was targeted by an operative for an extremist right-wing organization determined to malign public health officials and take down the public health system in America. This individual has been highly discredited and he has been banned from numerous media outlets for his homophobic slurs and racist rants."

Yes, Doctor. But about those sex parties and underground dance clubs?

New York Times:


The revelations about Dr. Varma’s pandemic behavior called to mind similar instances of official hypocrisy, including Boris Johnson’s lockdown soirees when he was prime minister of Britain and the November 2020 dinner at the French Laundry attended by Gavin Newsom, the governor of California. And they stoked anger among some politicians who have criticized what they say was an unnecessarily heavy-handed response to the pandemic that infringed on individual liberties.

“I recall being treated like a pariah for pointing out the obvious at the time — that so many of our so-called leaders were just making up illogical rules as they went along,” Joseph Borelli, the Republican minority leader of the City Council said. “Still, even I couldn’t have predicted how full of it they actually were.”

With the full complicity of the local and national media, people like Dr. Varma were able to create the conditions for COVID tyranny. It's not going to happen again.


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