Disney's 'Snow White' Remake Will Feature CGI 'Dwarfs' and an Anti-Israel Lead Character

Promotional image courtesy of Disney.

One consistent element of wokeness is that it is inconsistent. Wokeness, as influencer Teal Swan sagely remarks, has become "a radical political and social ideology that is flirting with authoritarianism and that is wearing a mask of virtue."


That mask slips so often we might refer to it as a "wardrobe malfunction." Virtue, among the truly woke, is frangible. What might be virtuous in one situation could be evil in another. It might depend on who is being virtuous. It might depend on what the wokie had for breakfast. Suffice it to say that most woke people on the left have no idea what is virtuous and what isn't.

This explains the Disney Company's live-action (mostly) remake of the classic and groundbreaking animated feature film, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." The 1937 film was a technological triumph and box office boffo — the very first full-length animated feature film.


Adjusted for inflation, it is one of the top-ten performers at the North American box office and is still the highest-grossing animated film in U.S. and world history.

But Disney is looking to catch magic in a bottle, so they're doing a remake. The reasoning behind making another Disney "Snow White" escapes me. It's like doing a remake of "Star Wars," which, given Disney's dismal stock performance recently, I'm sure some bright young "Imagineer" has already created the storyboards for.

As Steve pointed out early this year, the company has already spent "$200 million (!!!) just to produce but reshoots and delays may have added another $100 million to the production budget." The live-action Snow White was to be released in 2024 but now it's looking like a 2025 opening is in the cards. The tentative opening is set for March 2025.


Putting the business of Disney aside, it's how they're making "Snow White" that's so outrageous. Instead of getting real dwarfs to play the little men, Disney decided to use the magic of CGI to create dwarfs and stuff them in the frame. 

"It makes no sense to me," said the actor Peter Dinklage, himself a dwarf, on Marc Maron's podcast prior to Disney's announcement. "You're progressive in one way"—casting a Latina as Snow White," he said—"but then you're still making that fu***ng backwards story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together. What the fu** are you doing, man?" 

Dinklage, star of "Game of Thrones" and "Hunger Games," captures the essence of contradictory wokeness.

Disney's "excuse" for not actually hiring dwarfs (of which there are hundreds in Hollywood) was that they didn't want to feed "stereotypes." I'm sure the dwarfs appreciate the sentiment, although they'd rather have jobs.

Disney has reportedly "refashioned" the dwarfs into "magical creatures." Just as long as they're a diverse lot of magical characters, Disney probably won't run afoul of the woke crowd.

The production has also become mired in controversy after "Wonder Woman" Gal Gadot was hired to play the evil queen. Gadot is Jewish, you see, and that just doesn't fit the narrative. The pro-Hamas crowd let loose on Gadot. 


"A character that tries to kill a child and steal her kingdom. How fitting,” one user wrote on X.

“Make sure to BOYCOTT the Snow White movie as they have cast an Israeli terrorist Gal Gadot in the film. She is a trained killer who served in the Israeli degenerate forces. Don’t let Zionist terrorists normalize this EVER!" wrote another.

Rachel Zegler, Gadot's co-star playing Snow White, posted a "Free Palestine" flag on her X feed. "Always remember, free Palestine," she wrote.

It's not Disney's fault that terrorist-loving X posters are calling for a boycott of the Snow White remake. But it is their choice not to defend Gadot. Standing behind your employees when they're attacked for their heritage should be a prerequisite for any woke company.

Except if they're consistently inconsistent.


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