Group Sues Planned Parenthood for Inadequately Assessing Kids Before Starting Hormone Treatment

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Planned Parenthood was founded a century ago to provide birth control education to poor, immigrant women in New York City because Margaret Sanger believed that they were unfit to breed. From those beginnings, Planned Parenthood has branched out to include abortion, sex education, and reproductive health care.


Recently, Planned Parenthood has become the largest supplier of testosterone and other "gender transition hormones" in the country. They hand the hormones out like candy with little regard for the consequences to young patients.

Jennifer Block of The Free Press tells the story of a 17-year-old girl who went to Planned Parenthood because "she knew she wouldn’t be subjected to humiliating questions, or an unnecessary waiting period, or lectures, or prying about her certainty." It wasn't an abortion she was after. It was testosterone.

The statistics are staggering. In 2015, about two dozen Planned Parenthood clinics were doling out hormones to people. That number has risen to more than 450 locations today, ten times more than in 2017. Last year, insurance information showed that 40,000 people received hormones from Planned Parenthood, most of them between 18 and 22.

The young girl, Christina Hineman, went to Planned Parenthood shortly after her 18th birthday and after filling out some forms was ushered in to see a nurse practitioner. Not even a mental health professional.

Records show that a nurse practitioner asked about Hineman’s identity and desires; she noted that “patient has consulted with a mental health provider”—meaning Hineman had previously talked to therapists. The two discussed the “expected changes” related to testosterone—growing a beard and body hair, deepening voice, and that “changes to fertility may be permanent or reversible.” 

Then the first nurse took Hineman’s blood, and she was given a prescription for testosterone gel. She remembers all this taking under 30 minutes. 


Hineman was influenced by YouTube influencers who told her that her mental health problems — self-harm, depression, and anxiety — as well as autism could all be cured by treatment for her gender dysphoria.

Any mental health professional who isn't a scam artist could have seen Hineman's mental health issues as a sure sign that gender confusion was the least of her worries and would have tried other treatments.

But Planned Parenthood is an assembly line of transgender medicine.

Just over a year into treatment, Hineman realized she had made a terrible mistake, and that gender was not the source of her problems. “I was brainwashed,” she says now. “A lot of people say that adults should be able to do whatever they want. But if you have mental illness that’s clouding your view, or you’re so misinformed about what gender dysphoria even means, then you cannot consent to such invasive treatments.”

Hineman, who went from identifying as “nonbinary” to “agender” to “trans” over the course of a year, now considers herself a “detransitioner”—someone who, if possible, has returned to living as their birth sex, often with medical side effects. 

Hineman has now joined a class action lawsuit against Planned Parenthood where she and several other plaintiffs allege medical malpractice by the agency.


In the medical malpractice suit, filed in April, she’s seeking unspecified damages for negligence and failure to obtain informed consent from all the health providers—including those at Planned Parenthood—who facilitated her medical transition: from therapists who “encouraged” her desire to change genders, to the plastic surgeon who removed her breasts after a superficial consult when she turned 19, to the nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood who wrote Hineman the prescription for testosterone. (In June, Planned Parenthood filed its answer to the complaint, disputing Hineman’s claims.)

Planned Parenthood isn't the only defendant in suits against the process of "transitioning." Kaiser Permanente as well as other individual quack transgender medical advocates are being sued as well.

The suits highlight just how backward the U.S. has become in hormonal and surgical interventions to transition gender-distressed young people with little in the way of examinations by mental health professionals or medical doctors. In several European countries, these distressed kids are given therapy to address all of their mental health problems. People like Christina Hineman who report being afflicted with gender confusion are almost always suffering from psychological co-morbidities. 


But not in the United States. Here, we have a powerful trans lobby that is ready to destroy the careers of medical apostates who dare contradict their gospel. Heretical beliefs are punished. 

And the suffering of the young goes on.


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