Why the Radicalism of Tim Walz and Kamala Harris Is So Dangerous

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Vice President Kamala Harris doesn't care about "moving to the center" as is traditional in presidential campaigns when summer turns to fall. She's not concerned about attracting Republicans and independents to her cause. 


And centrist Democrats (the few that remain) can go hang as far as she's concerned. Her focus from now to election day will be motivating and turning out the vote of radical left Democrats.

With politics so rancid and Americans being turned off in record numbers, the only reliable way to motivate voters to go to the polls and cast a ballot is to scare the wholly living bejeebus out of them. Hence, Trump will "destroy democracy" while Harris will "destroy America." 

If the republic was really that weak, the United States would have collapsed long ago.

The crisis that the far left is seeking to exploit is not Donald Trump's supposed bid to be a dictator. It's a crisis of faith: faith in America, her institutions, and yes, her innate goodness.

The crisis is about a lack of confidence in the American system of government. The crisis is about whether human beings are truly able to govern themselves or whether they must be driven with an electric prod like a herd of cattle.

Neither candidate running for president wants to address the crisis. They only want to exploit it. 

Tim Walz and Kamala Harris are of the paternalistic school of government. What makes them so dangerous is that they see the Constitution as something to be gotten around rather than followed as a blueprint. The Bill of Rights is frangible. We can pick and choose which "rights" we are entitled to and which must be subsumed for the good of "the people." 

While Harris-Walz sees the Constitution as a suggestion box, some regulations are as close to gospel and holy writ as the left gets. "Thou shalt not change a word of the Clean Air Act" is probably etched in stone somewhere in the EPA building.


Harris and Walz can only accomplish so much using executive orders. The problem is if they're elected, they get to continue the work of Joe Biden in dismantling the progress Trump made in reforming the federal judiciary. Eight years of transforming the federal courts will go a long way toward making Trump-era gains in conservative jurisprudence disappear.

Harris has come out in favor of reparations for slavery, and radical, economy-killing climate change proposals. If anything, Walz is more radical than Harris. 


Under his watch, Minnesota's public health authorities set up a hotline to allow people to report their neighbors for violating the state's strict social distancing rules, which included the threat of 90 days in jail for violators. When Republicans in the state legislature called for the hotline to be shut down, Walz defended it. He also told pandemic-weary Minnesotans to stay away from relatively safe outdoor activities like spending time on the state's famous lakes.

The Harris campaign likely sees Walz's rhetorical skills as one of his key strengths. He's the originator of the idea to label populist conservatives like Sen. J.D. Vance (R–Ohio) as "weird"—an effective attack since it's pretty obviously true, if petty.

But Walz's folksy Midwestern charm doesn't always hit the mark. On at least one occasion, he's described socialism as being akin to "neighborliness." Try pitching that message to Florida voters who fled Castro's Cuba—or, for that matter, any American with a passing understanding of history or economics. (That line gets even weirder when you recall that pandemic era hotline. What exactly does Walz think neighborliness means?)


JD Vance is "weird"? Here's Walz on the pussycats in Communist China.

“I’ve been there about 30 times,” he told Agri-Pulse. “I don’t fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship. I totally disagree.”

These are not the sort of people who can restore trust in our institutions, address the partisan divide, or reunite the country behind an American vision. That's not their goal. They wish to "transform" that vision into something alien and un-American. A nation of 300 million dependents programmed to vote for the politicians who offer them the most money and freebies.

The biggest challenge will be to make sure that the media don't dupe the American people into thinking that Harris-Walz is "mainstream" by any stretch of the imagination. With almost the entire national media running interference for them and portraying them as stalwart moderates, it will be difficult to break through and show them for the radicals they truly are.


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