The Human Cost of Political Combat: Kai Trump's Love Letter to Her Grandfather

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The war for power is never pretty or easy. That's just the way it is. It's the way it has always been. And it's probably the way it always will be.

But it's easy to forget when bludgeoning and gutting an opponent that there are human beings on the other side. The "enemy" has a wife, family, and people who love him. That singular fact was brought out last night at the Republican Convention when 17-year-old Kai Trump, daughter of Donald Trump, Jr., walked on stage at the Republican National Convention, hugged her father, who had introduced her, and began to speak.


Kai is a bright, pretty girl with that Trump twinkle in her eye and a cheery disposition. And she left no doubt that she loved her grandpa.

"To me, he's just a normal grandpa. He gives us candy and soda when our parents aren't looking, he always wants to know how we're doing in school," she said.

"When I made the high honor roll, he printed it out to show his friends how proud he was of me," she added. "He calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going, and tells me all about his. But then I have to remind him that I'm in school and I'll have to call him back later."

How do you suppose Kai Trump felt when she heard her grandpa had been shot?

"On Saturday, I was shocked when I heard that he had been shot, and I just wanted to know if he was okay. It was heartbreaking that someone would do that to another person," she said.

Yes, she's the daughter and granddaughter of very rich, very powerful people. But she's also a young woman who loves her grandpa and wants the world to know it. 

"Grandpa, you are such an inspiration, and I love you," she said. "The media makes my grandpa seem like a different person, but I know him for who he is. He's very caring and loving. He truly wants the best for this country, and he will fight every single day to make America great again."


Kai's speech isn't going to change the minds of the Trump haters. I recall during the 2016 campaign that after being told of some kindness that Trump had shown to an ordinary person, one lefty Trump hater sneered, "Even Hitler liked dogs."

For a 17-year-old, Kai is one posied, accomplished young woman.

Fox News:

Kai also reflected during her speech on instances when she played golf with her grandfather, times when she had to remind him that she's a "Trump, too."

"When we play golf together, if I'm not his team, he'll try to get inside of my head. And he's always surprised that I don't let him get to me. But I have to remind him I'm a Trump, too," she said.

Last year, the Florida native started a YouTube channel. She kickstarted the outreach social media page with a video titled, "Get to know Kai Trump!"

"It should overall be a fun channel," Kai said in the clip.

As Kai scampers around a golf course, her friend asks questions, and she gives viewers insight into some of her favorite things, which includes pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, proscuitto meat and ricotta cheese, and playing pickleball and tennis.

There is an invisible price young people like Kai Trump pay. The hysterical hate directed at her grandfather has to be affecting her. That she's not showing it demonstrates a self-assuredness and confidence that few young women her age show.


I can't help but feel for all the political wives and children, both Democrats and Republicans. Having to listen to horrible, often untrue things about someone you love is heartbreaking. Kai seems to have accepted this price, although others may be destroyed by it.

The tragedies of the Kennedy family are indicative of this invisible cost to innocents. Several Kennedy offspring died of drug overdoses, unable to deal with the legacy of fame and money.

Kai Trump appears to be tough and resilient enough to deal with anything that comes her way. I hope she's able to find peace and happiness in the tumultuous world her grandfather chose.


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