MSNBC Panel Laughs at Americans Who Think Border Security Is a Top Priority

Townhall Media

The radical left doesn't think very much of you. You're stupid, racist, uninformed, and especially ungrateful for not hitting your knees every night and thanking Joe Biden for this wonderful economy.


Lest you think I'm exaggerating, here's an MSNBC panel discussion that includes Rachel Maddow, Jen Psaki, and Joy Reid laughing about "racist" Virginians and West Virginians making the border and immigration the number one issue in the election.

"They're voting on race," said Reid. "They're voting on this idea of an invasion of Brown people over the border."

Jen Psaki agreed. "Look at some of these exit polls. I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue," she said, as Reid laughed.

Maddow added, "Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia," as others on the panel cracked up.

Accuse a liberal of looking down on rural whites and they'll swear it's not true. This is "grievance culture" talking, they claim. It's a myth that the left demeans rural people. You guys just don't realize how oppressed you are.

"You're thinking, like, what?" Psaki said. "Trump has indoctrinated people with this fear of people who do not look like them being a threat to them."

"Indoctrinated?" When 3.5 million people cross the border with barely a background check to see if they're violent criminals, no one has to be "indoctrinated" to be concerned about the issue.

Related: Government Projection Shows Eight Million Asylum Seekers in U.S. By September

Who's the unsophisticated rube who can't fathom people concerned about illegal immigration and border security just because they live in Virginia or even "redneck" West Virginia? It's only strange that ordinary Americans care about the border if you, yourself, don't care about a secure border.


Maybe Psaki, Maddow, and Reid are fentanyl users and love the idea of a wide-open border.

The facts are simple: immigration is the most important issue facing the country, according to a Gallup poll.


The issue of immigration has — for the first time since 2019 — become the most important problem voters say the United States faces, according to a Gallup poll released in late February. Twenty-eight percent of respondents cited immigration as the country’s biggest challenge, while the government came in second place at 20 percent and the economy come in third at 12 percent. Immigration is the only issue on which respondents to the Gallup poll had moved over preceding month; in January, only 20 percent of Americans surveyed said it is the most pressing problem with which the U.S. contends.

Jen Psaki thought much differently when she was Joe Biden's press secretary.

Answering reporter questions in a March 2021 press conference, Psaki advertised the administration’s use of the Trump-era Title 42 to block illegal immigrants from residing in the U.S.

“The border remains closed,” she told a reporter concerned with the Biden administration’s approach to immigration policy. “Families and single adults are being expelled under Title 42 and should not attempt to cross illegally.”

Psaki, seemingly recognizing the importance of illegal immigration as a policy issue, often blamed Republicans for America’s problems dealing with influxes of migrants. During a September 2021 press conference, she said there were “a lot of Republicans out there giving speeches about how outraged they are about the situation at the border” but that they were not “putting forward solutions."


Others on the right took to X and made mincemeat out of the mentally challenged MSNBC guests. 

Former Congressman and Trump critic Joe Walsh:

I doubt they're concerned about any backlash on the right. After all, we're ignorant racists who aren't worshipping Joe Biden for his beneficence. 


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