The Bogus DHS Claim that Texas Authorities Were Responsible for Three Migrant Deaths

AP Photo/Felix Marquez

The Department of Homeland Security is claiming that Texas authorities allowed a woman and two children to drown while trying to cross the Rio Grand River. DHS says that Border Patrol agents were prevented from gaining access to Shelby Park, where Mexican authorities say they observed three migrants "in distress." 


"Tragically, a woman and two children drowned last night in the Shelby Park area of Eagle Pass, which was commandeered by the State of Texas earlier this week,’ a DHS spokesperson said in a statement.

The Justice Department is suing Texas after the state denied the Border Patrol access to the area around the Eagle Pass border crossing. Some of the most recent attempts by Texas Governor Greg Abbott to slow the flow of illegals crossing into Texas were to authorize Texas law enforcement to arrest illegals at the border and to order the state to take over the 50-acre Shelby Park and fence it off.

The White House couldn't pass up an opportunity to portray Abbott as "cruel" and "inhumane."

"On Friday night, a woman and two children drowned near Eagle Pass, and Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance. While we continue to gather facts about the circumstances of these tragic deaths, one thing is clear: Governor Abbott’s political stunts are cruel, inhumane, and dangerous," a spokesperson said. "U.S. Border Patrol must have access to the border to enforce our laws."

Rep. Henry Cuellar, who has generally supported stricter immigration enforcement, carried water for the White House in piling on  the Texas authorities.


"Border Patrol personnel were forced out of Shelby Park earlier this week by the Texas National Guard under order of Governor Abbott. As a result, Border Patrol was unable to render aid to the migrants and attempt to save them," he said.

But why didn't the Texas Guard allow the Border Patrol to rescue the migrants? It could be that the migrants were on the Mexican side of the River.

The Texas Military Department issued a statement that clarified the circumstances of the incident and showed that DHS was lying about it.

"At approximately 9:45pm TMD observed a group of Mexican authorities responding to an incident on the Mexico-side of the river bank," the Texas Military District (TMD) statement said. "TMD reported their observations back to Border Patrol and they confirmed that the Mexican authorities required no additional assistance. At that time TMD ceased search operations."

"At no time did TMD security personnel along the river observe any distressed migrants, nor did TMD turn back any illegal immigrants from the US during this period," the agency said. "Also, at no point was TMD made aware of any bodies in the area of Shelby Park nor was TMD made aware of any bodies being discovered on the U.S. side of the border regarding this situation."


The dishonesty of the media is astounding. Texas Public Radio headlines their piece, "Three migrants drown in Rio Grande after Texas blocks Border Patrol from rescue." Texas did not block anyone from rescuing migrants. The Border Patrol was responding to a call from Mexican authorities.

And if the migrants could have been rescued by U.S. Border Patrol agents, why did their bodies wash up on the Mexican side of the river?

The narrative is already set on this story so "the first draft of history" will be a pack of lies.


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