Man Sues Woman for $2.3 Million After She Put Him in the 'Friend Zone'

(Gloria Stoll Karn/Norman Rockwell Museum via AP)

It’s happened to all of us. Man or woman, young or old, fat, thin, handsome, ugly — at some point in our lives we’ve probably met someone and been interested in them “romantically,” only to end up being spurned because they “just want to be friends.”


Let’s face it. Sometimes the magic works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes a spark is struck that leads to a raging inferno of love and desire, and sometimes… meh.

Most of us swallow our disappointments and move on with our lives. But one man in Singapore decided to strike a blow for would-be lovers around the world: he sued a woman who put him firmly in the “friend zone.”

K. Kawshigan filed two lawsuits against the woman, Nora Tan, according to NextShark — a $2.3 million High Court claim that alleges she caused “damage to his stellar reputation” and “trauma, depression and impacts” to his life.

In the second lawsuit, Kawshigan alleged that the woman breached their agreement to improve their relationship. That case was tossed by a judge, whose tolerance for Kawshigan’s legal shenanigans was limited. The judge cited “abuse of process” in rejecting the plaintiff’s plea for relief.

“This court will not be an accessory to his calculated attempt to compel engagement from the defendant who, after years of massaging the claimant’s unhappiness, has finally decided to stand up to his threats rather than cower and give in to his demands.”

Kawshigan and Nora Tan reportedly met and became friends in 2016, but in September 2020, their friendship changed when she told him she viewed him solely as a “friend,” while Kawshigan regarded her as his “closest friend.”

In October 2020, Kawshigan issued her a letter and threatened to file a lawsuit for “monetary damages arising from negligent infliction of emotional distress and possible defamation” after she requested that their interactions be reduced, according to reports. He then demanded that she comply with his demands or suffer “irrevocable” damage to her professional and personal life.

Although Nora Tan agreed to participate in therapy sessions with Kawshigan, she reportedly stopped attending after one and a half years as she felt they became futile.


Tan eventually obtained an expedited long-term protection order against him — just in the nick of time, it sounds like. But there’s a small part of me that understands and sympathizes with Kawshigan’s heartbreak. We’ve all been there, and if you haven’t, I envy you.


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