Mass Shooting in Sacramento Leaves Six Dead, Fifteen Wounded


Downtown Sacramento erupted in what may have been automatic gunfire on early Sunday morning as at least one gunman opened fire and left a trail of bodies, blood, and broken glass over a two-block area.


Police have yet to sort out exactly what happened, and no motive has been confirmed by police. What we do know is that six people are dead and between 10 and 15 people are in area hospitals.

A fight may have preceded the gunfire.

ABC 10:

Video posted on Twitter showed people running through the street as the sound of rapid gunfire could be heard in the background. Video showed multiple ambulances had been sent to the scene.

Berry Accius of Sacramento’s Voice of the Youth said he came to the area at about 2:30 a.m. and found a “chaotic” scene.

“A lot of victims with blood, just watching some of the families that didn’t know if their loved one was alive, running, trying to figure out what was happening, people distraught, people discombobulated,” Accius said. “It was just horrific.”

The scene of the shooting is packed with restaurants and bars. It leads to the Golden One Center, where the Sacramento Kings play basketball.

The “Blame Game” is already well underway.

As the great American philosopher, The Scarecrow, reminds us, “People without brains do an awful lot of talking, don’t they?”

(Watch this space for further updates as more information becomes available.)



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